Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Relationship of Othello and Desdemona Essay

Write a critical analysis of the relationship of Othello and Desdemona in Shakespeare`s tragedy Othello. Pay special attention to the interracial character of this relationship and the use of racist stereotypes in the play. The contrast between The Moor Othello and the gentle Desdemona in Shakespeare`s tragedy Othello is noteworthy. Yet initially it looks like one complements the other: â€Å"She loved me for the dangers that I had passed. And I loved her for that she did pity them.†( Act. 1 Scene 3). But is not this precisely the weak link in their relationship? So in love, so fascinated by the pure nature of Desdemona, does Othello has these feelings over her true self, or because of her tribute to him? Even though he is widely respected general, he’s a man and the need for him to be honored by a woman is in men’s inwardness. It can be claimed that he might even needs her worship more, because, although he is considered as a noble man in times when minorities are almost trampled, his race and the perception that he is lower than his wife are still his biggest insecurities. Attitude towards Othello constantly changes. At one time honored, then considered worst, later far more fair than black. In a moment more than just a Moor, but then again a devil black. These varieties are born not only by his race, but also his devotion to Desdemona, so beautiful and just as devastating. Their relationship is unstable from the start. It became possible because she betrays her father. And that very same act of betrayal, made in the name of love, later feeds Othello`s fears and the conceived doubts in his mind about the purity of Desdemona. Unlike her husband, Brabantio`s daughter has a very calm temper. Her character is not that deep, as others, but she is still the object of the affections of the men in the play. She is intelligible, kind hearted and faithful to the end. Racism in the play shows up early when Othello is compared with a black ram: â€Å"an old black ram is topping your white ewe† (Act. 1 Scene 1). It is unacceptable for a young white woman to be with an older black man. Barbantio claims that only witchcraft can make his daughter, a spirit so still and quiet, to fall in love of what she fear to look on. This refers to Othello, who, is now not seen as the man who was loved by Brabantio. He is  now The Moor, who abused Desdemona and has stolen her from her father and her possible future with a wealthy white man. His love is not approved immediately, because he is not what is expected from Desdemona to be married to. Her father rejects him, with prejudice on his race, and with fear about losing his good name in society. But others seem to look beyond the obvious and see the love of the married couple and the goodness in Othello`s heart. On the one hand discriminated, on the other well accepted, The Moor is now not just a moor, not just a general; he is husband, respected by his wife and the majority. He supports this impression, until his jealousy obsesses him and leads him to the most tragic display of it. And that is when his African origin turns against him one more time and he`s compared to a black devil, black fool, dull moor. Othello`s dark skin match his dark deed, and reflects on other`s opinion of him. Two people in love, each completes the other. That is how Desdemona and Othello, together, look at first sight. He has unruly temper, and she is calm; she is compassionate, he needs this; she adores him, and so does he adore her. Both with such passion for each other. But The Moor`s insecurity outgrows everything. His lack of trust and his dubiety crush his common sense and Iago sows the seed of jealousy and suspicion so easily. By telling Othello that it is women`s nature to fornicate and deceive, Iago reminds him about Desdemona`s choice to elope with him, despite her father`s resentment and against his will. She marries The Moor secretly without her father`s knowledge, and instead of seeing her decision as a sign of her loyalty for him, her husband sees Desdemona`s willingness to elope as a prelude to her infidelity. Brabantio`s words â€Å"she has deceived her father, and so may thee† ( Act.1 Scene 3) pursue Othello`s mind, not letting him to shake off the feeling of doubt when he reminds to himself his own words â€Å"My life upon her faith†(Act. 1 Scene 3). Nevertheless Othello never stops loving Desdemona, nor she stops loving and supporting him, even when he is far more different than a trusting, gentle husband. Yet the destruction of their initial idyll is inevitable. Because Iago only affects Othello`s jealousy, not creating it. The Moor`s doubts, sooner or later would have come to light, with or without Iago`s evil plan. And then the fate of this marriage, this love would still be uneasy. The young beauty Desdemona is adored by several men in the play. So calm person she is, but is the one that causes such rage, resentment and jealousy among those men. Ironically, the man with whom she is suspected of adultery does not fell like that for her. Although she appears as the unit of friction and suspicions in the tragedy, she is one of the most moderate characters. No one else has thoughts that pure and intentioned. But that does not appear as something good for her, because even her good intentions to help, enrage Othello more and he gets even more suspicious. But this does not change her feeling to her beloved. She constantly tries to convince him he`s the one. Even before her death she does not blame him for what he is about to do. Instead she tries to find where she went wrong. Desdemona stays faithful and true to love till she dies. Her blind faith in the honesty and goodness in people, turns out to be one of the reasons for her disastrous destiny. With her righteous heart and her tragic fate, Desdemona is a good example of the proverb: â€Å"Bad things happen to good people.† It seems like the relationship of Othello and Desdemona was never meant to last, but even for a short term of time it was embraced with searing love, that filled their hearts with sweetness, bliss and fervor. Sad, indeed, but beautiful, how the only thing that could devastate their bond was their burning love and the consequences of it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Seperating Metal Cations Using Paper Chromatography

Lab #3 Separating Metal Cations by Paper Chromatography Introduction/Purpose: In chemistry, it is important to effectively analyze the components in a given mixture. In order to do so, chemists will analyze a mixture either qualitatively or quantitatively using different methods and equipment. Qualitative analyses are subjective, and only gather â€Å"non-numerical† data such as the color, appearance, and smell of the components. This data is intended to obtain physical information on the components present.While quantitative analyses are objective, and use â€Å"numerical† data to gather the quantity of the components present. Quantitative data can be given in terms of height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, etc. Each method of data analyses provides chemists with specific types of information that can be used to draw conclusions about the experiments they have performed. This lab utilized both quantitative and qualitative data by using the Paper Chroma tography method for determining the metal cations present in an unknown sample.This was performed by using reagents that reacted with the metal cations deposited on the paper. The retention factor of each known cation was calculated in order to determine which metal cations were present in two unknown samples. Objective: Effectively use Paper Chromatography to analyze quantitative and qualitative data of different metal cations, in an effort to correctly identify two unknown samples of metal cations, by comparing them against a chromatogram with known component reactions.This lab also aids in better understanding the importance of developing a chemist’s observation and data recording methods, as some of the reactions are faint, or may degrade over a short period. Material & Equipment: 1) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2) 600 ml beaker 3) Plastic wrap 4) Rubber band 5) (3) Paper filters 6) (2) 11 x 14 cm pieces of chromatographic paper 7) Pencil 8) Metric ruler 9) Capilla ry tube 10) Paper towels 11) 10 ml of 6M HCL 12) 35 ml of Acetone ((CH3)2CO) 13) Metal cations- Iron(III), Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), and Copper(II) 14) Two unknown sample cations 5) Reagents: Potassium ferrocyanide, Potassium thiocynate in acetone, Dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol 16) 50 ml beaker with 25 ml of ammonium hydroxide 17) Fume hood Procedure/Methods: 1) *See the attached pre-lab outline for the procedure/order of operations used in completing this lab experiment* 2) *The procedure was altered at step #9 with direction from the lab instructor. Chromatogram #2 was not spotted with the four known metal cations. * Three pieces of filter paper were used to practice spotting with the four known metal cations.The filter paper was folded into four separate sections and a small sample of the known metal cation was spotted onto a marked point. This process was repeated for each piece of filter paper. Filter sample #1 was spotted using potassium ferrocyanide; filter sample #2 was spotted using potassium thiocynate in acetone; and filter sample #3 was spotted using dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol. Using three separate samples allowed the group to analyze the qualitative results (color change) of the interactions with each of the four metal cations.This provided preliminary data that was used to hypothesize which compound would be best to spot the known metal cations on chromatogram #1. After reviewing both the interaction results, and the retention values (RF), we then determined which reagent provided the most identifiable interaction with each of the metal cations. Equation 1. [pic] Data: *See attached Data Sheets* Results: The lab instructor reported the results of the correct unknown metal cations as follows: 1) Unknown #1 = Copper ) Unknown #2 = Iron and Nickel As shown on Data Sheet #2, our lab group concluded that the unknown metal cations were as follows: 1) Unknown #1 = Cobalt 2) Unknown #2 = Iron Qualitative Data (Chromatogram #1): The first observations made of chromatogram #1 were those of the physical changes in the color of the metal cations after they were exposed to the developing solvent. The colors observed for the metal cations were as shown by the corresponding bar graph in Figure 1 below.Copper = Light Brown, Nickel = Pink, Iron = Blue, and Cobalt = Green Quantitative Data (Chromatogram #1): After the qualitative observations were analyzed and recorded, the spotted sections of each metal cation were marked with a pencil at the highest migration distance of the substance. This measurement was then used in calculating the Rf value of each metal cation, using Equation 1 above, and represented in Figure 1 below. Copper = . 7, Nickel = . 1, Iron = 1, and Cobalt = . 5 Figure 1. [pic] Qualitative Data (Chromatogram #2):The first observations made of chromatogram #2 were those of the physical changes in the color of the metal cations after they were exposed to the developing solvent. The colors observed for the metal cations were as shown by the corresponding bar graph in Figure 2 below. Unknown #1 = Green, and Unknown #2 = Blue Quantitative Data (Chromatogram #1): After the qualitative observations were analyzed and recorded, the spotted sections of each metal cation were marked with a pencil at the highest migration distance of the unknown substance.This measurement was then used in calculating the Rf value of the unknown metal cations, using Equation 1 above, and represented in Figure 2 below. Unknown #1 = . 41 and Unknown #2 = . 91 Figure 2. [pic] Conclusion: The qualitative and quantitative data of the known metal cations from chromatogram #1 were used to determine the metal cations that composed Unknown sample #1 and #2, in chromatogram #2. Unknown #1 was developed using KSCN/acetone, and Unknown #2 was developed using K4Fe(CN)6. However, it is unknown why we chose to use that reagent as opposed to the other two available.It is also clear that a deviation from the procedure caused us to erroneously streak our chromatogram unknowns with only one reagent. Failing to spot and streak chromatogram #2 with all reagents prohibited our ability to analyze the sample after exposure to all reactions. As shown from the results of the filter paper samples, we were able to see qualitative changes on Fe, Cu, and Co with the use of potassium ferrocyanide, Fe, Cu, and Co with the use of potassium thiocynate in acetone, and Fe, Co, and Ni with the use of dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol.Although the colors in each reaction were different with each of the reagents used on the filter paper samples, the use of each reagent would have provided us with a number of visual changes to identify. Those observations would have been marked, and prompted more calculations of the Rf values associated with each reaction, allowing for a more thorough evaluation and determination of the unknown metal cations present.Although we were able to accurately detect the presence of Fe in unknown sample #2, it is evident that if the chromatogram had been exposed to the dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol, we would have detected the Ni as well. The exposure of the filter sample containing the Ni, to dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol, yielded the only visual reaction, out of all three reagents tested. This labs results further solidify the need to conduct the procedure as thoroughly as possible, and if there are feelings of inadequacy, we perform the procedures that we feel will enable us to procure the most accurate results.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Governments Web Portal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Governments Web Portal - Essay Example Still, there remains the uncomfortable parallel to automated phone systems, which all too often will provide one with every option but the necessary connection. How does the federal website compare to these and other comparable information sites Well to view the federal government's claims, one need only click onto the About Us connection. This link opens to a long list of self-promotions, beginning with a statement of the site's policy, or "vision", which is described as a "catalyst for a growing electronic government." while boasting more connections to government sites than any commercial sites on the internet. This is certainly a comforting thought: the government has enough control of its own accessibility that there are certain safeguards to prevent inappropriate meddling. The site is proclaimed to be owned by the citizens of the United States, much like the ideals behind our federal government, which can be taken in either a patriotic or cynical manner, depending on one's personal inclination. More plausible is the logic behind the site's implied development as a response to the events of September 11th, 2001: a PR campaign to portray the government as acting quickly to improve security. This lends an aura of paranoia to the site, as though George Orwell's Big Brother is looming over the average citizen's shoul der as they peruse the electronic pages To see other ways in which the government reacts, one can click the America Responds to Terrorism link. Here is a listing of related sites, such as 9/11 commemoration events, how to protect yourself , personnel locators, travel safety, humanitarian organizations and information about Iraq. To "Protect yourself", one should have a clear idea of what to ask, as the link itself leads to a long list of the last five years of headlines, from mail handling of biological threats to disaster preparedness and learning more about terrorism. The bio-threat anthrax scare is mentioned - regulations are hinted at as hiding in the library - but nothing is mentioned about the CDC having to limit its reactions to these scares. Too many false attacks were proving too expensive. On the other hand, the "Ready yourself" for emergency link connects you directly to the office of Homeland Security, who very sensibly lists warning signs of exposure to chemical threats although if animals were really dying a ll around someone, what realistic chances are still available to them Identifying the contaminated area and removing oneself or finding a "safe-area" is just good common sense, and, although it might sound callous, probably a part of Darwinism in action. The duct-taped garbage bags over windows are not mentioned, possibly as too close a reminder to the "duck and cover" sagacity of the Cuban Missile Crisis, yet if the most obvious suggestions are being mentioned, shouldn't such items still be listed somewhere Although perhaps some consideration is due here. In event of an actual pressing emergency, few people would take the time to access this website, relying

Sunday, July 28, 2019

IBM Business Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IBM Business Strategy - Case Study Example The contributing key success factors were : However, in 2002, with the achievement and success of its business model and the introduction of the new computing architecture like grid and utility computing, IBM made a high-profile announcement about its new corporate strategy centered on the concept of "on demand business". Unluckily, IBM's stock price plunged down and hit the lowest after the disappointing financial results in the first quarter of 2005 with sales increased by merely 3% from the previous year, far lower than many industry analysts' forecast of a 6% increase. It was some years after Sam Palmisano took over as chief executive officer (CEO) in March 2002. As a precautionary measure, the company announced an immense restructuring in its European operations. Even though there were improvements in the second quarter, some began to express their uncertainties and doubts whether the "on demand business" strategy would deliver the promised results. More distinctively, many started to question how and why such a strategy was accepted and justified in the first place. In order for IBM to remain competitive and ahead of its competitors in the increasingly crowded marketplace, a new corporate strategy called the "On Demand Business," was conceived. ... In an interview, Ginni Rometty, the global head of IBM's Business Consulting Services, talks about the on demand era and on demand business. "The on demand era is primarily characterized by change. Companies are being challenged to respond with speed to an increasingly fast paced and complex environment. Because the rate of change in this environment will become constant and unpredictable, adaptability and flexibility will be critical. Successful companies will have the ability to nimbly adapt to changes in their environment, from sensing and responding to the needs of customers in realtime to adjusting spending around market fluctuations. An on demand business is one whose business processes -- integrated end-to-end across the company and with key partners, suppliers and customers -- can respond with speed to any customer demand, market opportunity or external threat. In our research into the long-term business and technology trends affecting companies, IBM has identified four essen tial attributes of an on demand business: responsive, variable, focused and resilient. As companies move along the continuum between traditional and on demand business, they will more strongly exhibit these characteristics." On the other hand, we might wonder if this new strategy really works If this makeover is a success, why did the stocks of IBM plummet in the recent years Perhaps, there are loopholes in the process of implementation with this new corporate strategy. The result of my thorough investigation, analysis, and research showed that the critical issues involve here are Industry Development and Strategic Development. Industry Development. An Industry

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History of Power Generation in Niagara Falls Essay

History of Power Generation in Niagara Falls - Essay Example Today both United States as well as Canada is able to enjoy this huge supply of energy due to the efforts of several individuals and companies who recognized the ability of Niagara Falls to supply energy and continued to make efforts to assist mankind. The ability of Niagara Falls to provide unexpected amount of energy was first realized by Daniel Joncaire who started by developing a small sized canal just over the falls to obtain energy for his sawmill (Kurilovitch, 2003, p.3). Later it was realized that the falls had much more to offer and the area was then bought by Augusts as well as Peter Porter during the era of 1805 from the state level government of the New York. Right after the purchase, the owners increased the size of the canal to obtain huge amounts of power for tannery and gristmill. After a period of nearly 50 years a company named Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Mining Company came into existence which was involved in the construction of canals that were later utilized for energy generation. After a period of 28 years the first ever hydro power generating station came into existence under the leadership of Jacob Schoelkorpf. The further expansion of hydro power generation could not take place until the period of 1893 even though efforts were made under the leaderships of Edward Dean Adams and William Thomson during the period of 1890 (Smith, 2011)p.. During the era of 1893 a company named Westinghouse Electric was called upon to design and expand the current power generation and the company ended up developing an AC power system during the period of 1896 and this system was found to be one of the largest electricity generating system of its time. By the period of 1956 several small scaled power plants that were producing Hydro electricity were operational. But during the period of 1956 a disaster made its way hurting the progress and smaller power

Three negative impacts of Parental divorce on children in Contemporary Research Paper

Three negative impacts of Parental divorce on children in Contemporary China - Research Paper Example The number of separations and divorces is still less than the United States but the marked difference is becoming less day by day. And the impact it has on Chinese children is pretty bad. They feel inferior to everyone else all of a sudden and cannot help but think that they have a broken family even if their parents ended it at the best of terms1. The Government of China has certain rules that everyone has to follow and one of them is the famous one child policy. If the one child of the family loses the only family he has ever known, it crushes him completely. This is one of the greatest negative impacts that take place, which he has, no sibling to share the scenario with. Most parents fight but get back together because they have various children and find sense and compassion in one of them, enough to patch things up. This is not possibly here because all alone; the child faces the worst of the deals and often and understandably so thinks that no one can understand what he is going through. Even though divorce is not uncommon in China anymore, it is still somewhat not an acceptable thing in society. To escape from the prying eyes and the pinging gossiping sessions, more often than not the parent moves away to another country. Usually it is the parent with who the child remains, through a custody settlement. This also has a negative impact on the young one. Leaving behind everything they ever know, they become accustomed to the new world, often feeling incomplete and hopeless. The reverse effect can also take place. Sometimes no one moves anywhere and the child has to face a lot of discrimination amongst the peers and the society because it is still an unacceptable trait in a lot of areas of China. Chinese people are usually very family oriented and have a fixed set of ethics and values, even in these times where such things are rarely found. It is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Managerial Controls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Managerial Controls - Essay Example He should be relying more closely on empirical evidence instead on his personal opinion on the issue. 2) Does Rabobank Nederland have good control over the accounts managers its New York branch? Would you suggest any changes be made: (1) in the near future? (2) Over the next 5 years, assuming that the branch continues to grow? In the near future, Rabobank should always ensure to book good deals as it was part of its original components of the undertakings from the moment it started the whole wide operation. However, considering how Barr potentially considered credit risk management and would decide situation based on his personal opinion and not on empirical evidence, there should be potential changes to be made at Rabobank in the near future. Rabobank should further increase its control over the accounts managers situated in New York branch. However, assuming that the New York branch continues to grow in the next 5 years, Rabobank should ensure more enhancements rather than changes to be made and learn further on the skills attributed by the accounts managers for they must have been potentially good at what they are doing. As far as take over is concerned, a need to consider a control system is necessary, whether existing or new. However, in the case of AirTex and the take over of Frank and Ted, a new control system is necessary because the latter seemed to have great expectations not just on the entire company but to be specific this included the management and control system. Furthermore, there were other relevant and necessary factors that need to be included like culture. In the takeover, part of the concern of the new administration on management and control should include culture or the working environment. This part should not be overlooked as the new administration’s expectations should be aligned with the prevailing working

Thursday, July 25, 2019

To Outline a Synthesis or Summary of two Quantitative Research Paper

To Outline a Synthesis or Summary of two Quantitative Articles about Nursing Rounds - Research Paper Example Meade, Amy L. Bursell and Lyn Ketelsen (2006) entitled â€Å"Effects of Nursing Rounds on Patients’ Call Light Use, Satisfaction and Safety† which found that hourly rounds by nursing personnel played a significant role in reducing patient falls as well as increasing their satisfaction while at the same time reducing the use of the call light. This study has been designed in a quasi- experimental like the previous study where hourly rounds are conducted by the nurses from two units namely 4S and 6S. 4S is a control unit where data was collected on an hourly round while 6S has been designed to maintain the current practice where there is no change implemented. Research has shown that falls among patients in the US are a problem given that 2.3 to 7 falls occur in U.S. hospitals every 1000 patient days and about 30-48% percent of these falls result in injury among both old and young patients. However, in this study, it has also been found that hourly nursing rounds can decr ease the rate of falls among the patients by 52 %. The study found that patients admitted in hospitals often require assistance with personal tasks such as the use of the toilet as well as during eating times where they will call for assistance using the call light. This study also found that the level of patient satisfaction is determined by his or her perception of the way a nurse conducts her duties. While the call light offers a lifeline to the patients in hospital, it has also been observed that it can be stressful on behalf of the practicing nurse. It often contributes to issues such as fatigue among the nurses and this negatively impacts on their patient care management which is often compounded by the existing shortage of staff. Therefore, hourly rounds have been found to be effective in this particular study which was carried over a twelve month period. At least, the study has been carried over a long period compared to the previous one. The sampling method employed by the study is non-probability sample on all subjects who are 18 years and over admitted to 4 South (Oncology/OBGYN) or 6 South (Orthopedic/Neurology) at Hospital during the period of the research. This method is ideal given that the results are likely to be reliable since it is inclusive of all subjects. This section also summarizes an article by Tucker, S.J. et al (2011) which is entitled "Outcomes and Challenges in Implementing Hourly Rounds to Reduce Falls in Orthopedic Units.† According to this article, patient falls remain a problem especially in acute care facilities as they have negative impacts such as injury to the affected people. Basically, patient fall can be described as unplanned descent to the floor (Curie, 2003). These range from 1.7 to 25 per 1,000 patient days with approximately 6–44% of these resulting in injury. Thus, patient safety through the reduction of falls is a very important phenomenon in the health care industry and can be derived from implementi ng structured nursing rounds interventions (SNRIs) according to this particular study. This study has been designed to establish the rate of patient fall during the three period intervals namely: baseline, during the 12-week SNRI implementation, and 1-year following implementation. According to this paper, evidence of effective interventions to prevent and reduce patient falls is mixed (Oliver et al. 2007; Currie 2008). However, in some studies like the work of Christine M. Meade, Amy L.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Should China be promoting big business groups Pick several groups to Essay

Should China be promoting big business groups Pick several groups to show why or why not, using contrasts, in the context of th - Essay Example   Smyth et al.,  2004). Within the sector of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) the development of  large scale enterprises has been progressing  (Nolan,  2001; Nolan, 2002). The policy makers in the country and the organizational leaders have made immense endeavour to nurture large  enterprise  groups. These leaders have aspired to upgrade these groups and transform  them  into  internationally  competitive  transnational  corporations (Sutherland, 2007). Such unorthodox development bore fruit and led to the outstanding growth for the country (Nolan, 2001). The China miracle: an overview China has exhibited significant growth for the last three decades, which has attracted attention of the developed countries. The tempo at which the country has transformed itself from being a peasant society to an industrial powerhouse, guarantees that the country has the potential to achieve a growth rate of several times greater than the current rate. If things continue in th is pattern, China might surpass the present advanced countries of the western world (Krugman, 1994). Economic development had been initiated in China around 30 years before and the outcome is miraculous. The GDP growth rate in China on average has reached 9.8 percent in 2010 (Lin, 2010). It has surpassed the rate foreseen by analysts in 1980s and 1980s. These reforms had been initiated by Deng Xiaoping with the goal of increasing the GDP of the Chinese economy by four times within a span of twenty years. The vision with which Xiaoping had launched this reform was to achieve a 7.2 percent annual growth rate for the economy. Since 1979, China’s economic performance has improved at a massive rate. In 1979 the country’s â€Å"trade as a percentage of GDP was only 9.5 percent† (Lin, 2010), while by 2010, China has reserved for itself the position of the highest exporting country in the world and the third largest country in terms of imports. At present the countryâ⠂¬â„¢s trade contributes approximately 70 percent of the country’s GDP. In this span of 30 years, 600 million Chinese residents have been brought out of poverty through this dazzling economic growth (Lin, 2010). The development path followed by China after the reforms of 1979 has been devised by the policy makers keeping in mind the real scenario of the country. It has therefore been possible to implement these policies successfully. While some contemporary economies had tried to bring radical changes or treat the economy with shock therapy, the effects of these changes have not been holistically beneficial for these economies. China has therefore been able to take exceptionally huge strides of performance and has moved ahead of most other developing nations of the world. This rapid growth experienced by the Chinese economy for thirty years at a stretch and the consequent sustainable improvement in the standard of living of its population of 1.3 billion has been termed by res earchers and observers as â€Å"the China Miracle† (Liming, n.d.). By avoiding radical reforms and by following a step by step process of transformation the economy has been able to bypass the negative impacts of change and avoid striking social unrest within the country. The process of China’s transition China has primarily been an agrarian society. With industrial revolution the economy faced a speedy movement away from the traditional agricultural society in which almost 85

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Reasons Behind the Volatility of Agricultural Product Prices and Essay

The Reasons Behind the Volatility of Agricultural Product Prices and Other Questions - Essay Example The prices of agricultural products tend to be unstable because the supply of agricultural products changes from time to time, and this mainly depends on the variable weather conditions that affect the size of the harvest. According to a study carried out by Riley, he makes the conclusion that when the agricultural output falls short of planned output, for a given level of demand then the prices of products are bound to rise. On the other hand, Riley says that when the actual output is in excess of the planned output, for a given level of demand then the market price does fall (2006, p. 3). More often, the demand of a product has the effect making the value of the product higher when the supply for the products is low. Toepfer international carried out studies to determine the reasons for the price volatility of agricultural products. The study shows that there are three key market fundamentals. These fundamentals are responsible for the greater price variations of agricultural produ cts. The report states that agricultural output does vary from season to season due to the natural shocks such as weather and pests. They also state production in the agricultural sector does take time, so the aspect of supply cannot respond much to price changes in the short term and lastly, the supply and demand elasticity is small when compared to the issue of price. The agency explain that, during a supply shock, the variation between supply and demand need to be strong so as to enable the regaining of the balance of supply and demand this is fundamental when dealing with a case of low stocks (2011, p.5). The supply and demand shocks are a vital part when it comes to the determination of the prices of agricultural commodities. A clear example is the massive drought that hit Russia in the year 2010; this was accompanied by the restriction of the exportation of grains out of the black sea region. These circumstances massively affected the prices of commodities; there was a reporte d increase in the prices of agricultural commodities. In such times of high and volatile prices, most countries decrease their exports and increase on their imports. The end results of such measures is a destabilizing effect, for instance, the restriction of the exportation of rice by leading exporters in the year 2007 saw the tripling of prices despite the stable demand and harvest (2011, p. 5). The issue of price volatility in agricultural products has been of serious concern to most of the governments. In June 2011, the Agricultural ministers of the G20 gathered their ideas on how this issue could be addressed. Among the many suggestions, they focused on the launching of the Agricultural Market Information system this would enable the providence of timely accurate reliable and transparent information that would be of help in addressing the issue of price volatility. The Agricultural ministries of the G20 also suggests the strengthening of the international governance of agricultu ral trade in favour of an open, rule based and well functioning global market for agricultural products. The main reason for this is that the international trade contributes in the improvement of food security and in addressing the issue of price volatility. Many governments also have invested in the boosting of agricultural production by strengthening agricultural research and innovation. The establishment of well and functioning markets is also a strategy that focuses on the encouragement of the public and private sector t invest in agriculture (Toepfer International, 2011, p.6). A group of researchers observed that the instability of financial markets and the strong variations in the exchange rates are among

Monday, July 22, 2019

The drama that follows Essay Example for Free

The drama that follows Essay In this essay I am going to talk about the opening of the play An Inspector calls helps to prove the drama of play to follow. The play An Inspector Calls was written in 1945 after the 2nd world war when the industrial revolution began. The play is set in 1912 just before the 1st world war began. The impact of this is immense because of the higher class system was still in place and the industrial and technology was still reforming. This is also the time of the welfare state. The only characters of the play are the basic seven characters of the play, these characters are Mr Birling, the head the house, Mrs Birling, Mr Birlings wife, Sheila, their daughter, Gerald, Sheilas fianci , Eric, their son, the inspector and finally Edna, their maid. The few characters mean that at the beginning of the play you can get to know all of them and their traits. The characters all develop throughout the play this means that at the beginning you know them as they originally are and learn about who is the good guy in the play and who is stuck up. First of all I am going to talk about the staging in act 1 and the influence and how much you can tell about the family from this room. The play is set in one room so there is not a lot of change so that you can focus on the play itself and not the setting. The items in the room tell you a lot about the characters and their lives. In the room there is one armchair symbolising that the family does not spend much time together and do not get on? The armchair tells us that the family tend to sit alone and not together telling us that they do not know much about each other which comes out when the inspector arrives. Around the room are tasteless pictures that influence their richness because the Birlings would buy paintings by famous artists that they have not heard of so that when they invite higher-class citizens around it will impress them. This shows that the Birlings buy their items around the home to impress and not to make their home look nice, this would also boost their egos and make them feel better about themselves. This is also true about their silverware, Tantalus, candlesticks, and champagne cooler. The room has a telephone in it that also shows their money off because not many people of that time would have telephones, as they would have been very expensive. The telephone is in the centre of the room near the fireplace because it is central to their lives and also central to the plot later on in the play. This is because when the inspector leaves the house after his closing speech, Mr Birling phones the infirmary to check on Eva Smith. Then he hangs up the phone to find another inspector to be coming to the house because they havent learnt their lesson when the fake inspector leaves. The fireplace in the room that is used in the play is not lit this indicates a sense of a not welcoming or warm family. The fireplace indicates that they are not a very close family and are not together as much as they should be. The next aspect of the play I will talk about is the theatricality of the play. This means the setting and room used in the play. This also includes the use of flashbacks in the film of an Inspector calls. Because only one room is used in the play this makes us get to now the cast more and keep us centred on the one room and not looking around new settings. The use of the one room helps us to find out more about the characters by looking at the setting. And it means we will look at the room in more detail and it will help us look in the objects in the room in more detail so we find out more about their lives and lifestyles. The room only contains one door this means that the characters and actors are limited to one exit, this indicates no exit for them so they cannot escape. In the setting there is an oval table used which means that the table has no head of the house and cannot determine who is the head of the household. In this part of my essay I will talk about Birling who is the man of the house, he is married to Mrs Birling. I will talk about how Mrs Birling treats him and how he thinks himself to be in society and in his family. Mr Birling is very self centred in that he only thinks of himself and does not care about his family. For example I think a knighthood should be coming along soon. This means that he only cares of his status in society, and only wants his knighthood so that his business will do well. When he talks to Geralds family he seems to think that they will like him more if he is higher in society as he worked his way to success. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE J. B.

Groups and Culture Essay Example for Free

Groups and Culture Essay Cultural and social expectations dictate that individuals as members of one culture or society interact with other members, it is in the interpersonal relationships and interactions that the individual has with others that socialization occurs (Hofstede, 2000). The first interpersonal relation that an individual in any culture would have is confined in the family. Growth and maturation however dictates that the individual relate and interact with other people outside of his or her family, this could be teachers, caregivers, classmates and friends. Interacting with other people widens the perspective of the individual, in play children learn how to communicate and compromise, in the classroom, they learn to compete and cooperate and in the workplace, they learn to conform and collaborate (Hofstede, 2000). Everyone is part of a group, be it the family, a neighborhood, a class, a department, or a community. A fully functioning and healthy individual would be a member of two or more groups, and for each group, a different set of rules and expectations apply. A universal characteristic of groups is that it consists of two or more individuals who are interacting and behaving towards a common goal. Within this setting, group members constantly communicate, cooperate, and conform to the rules and objectives of the group (Guss, 2002). For example, a gang of adolescent boys had been formed based on friendship, and each member subscribes to the rules of the gang, thus behaviors like rites of initiation are meant to strengthen the member’s commitment to the group. The goal of the gang may simply be to cultivate their friendship and protect each other, thus the members would cooperate in order to achieve that goal (Brew, Hesketh Taylor, 2001). In contrast, a group of teenagers in a bus is not really a group because they do not have shared rules and expectations, although they may have the same goal, and that is to reach their destination. Groups also tend to form and break up over the course of life events and human development. The behavior of groups and its members are also heavily influenced by the dominant culture in which it is situated. A group of workers in a collectivist culture like that of South Korea would strongly conform to the rules and regulations of the organization they work for (Hofstede, 2000). Complaints against company practices or policies are expected to be minimal such that collectivist cultures places value on group cohesion, unity, and cooperation. Workers in South Korea would believe that they are working not for themselves but for their families, their organization and their country. Thinking of one’s self above others in this culture is frowned upon, thus, not many individuals take leadership roles because it calls attention to oneself (Hofstede, 2000). Thus, workers conform without question, they cooperate with the given policies and they build relationships among the workers. On the other hand, a group of workers in an individualist culture like the US is not as easily conforming and cooperative as the workers in South Korea. Individualist cultures places importance on individual achievement, individual differences, self-expression and nonconformity (Hofstede, 2000). Workers in the US would join organizations that provide them with the opportunities for individual achievement and professional growth. To a certain degree, US workers do conform to the expected behavior of workers, but only if they perceive it as a necessary requirement of their individual performance. For example, workers generally attend company activities because they get something out of it, or because it is required of them to come and attendance would have positive implications in one’s performance rating (Hofstede, 2000). In this culture, workers are vocal about their ideas and opinions about the organization’s policies, they are confrontational such that demanding increase in one’s salary is the norm, not the exception. References Brew, F. P. , Hesketh, B. , Taylor, A. (2001). Individualistic-collectivist differences in adolescent decision making and decision styles with Chinese and Anglos. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 25, 1-19. Guss, C. D. (2002). Decision making in individualistic and collectivistic cultures. In W. J. Lonner, D. L. Dinnel, S. A. Hayes, D. N. Sattler (Eds. ), Online Readings in Psychology and Culture (Unit 4, Chapter 3), (http://www. wwu. edu/~culture), Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington USA. Hofstede, G. (2000). Cultures consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations (2nd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role and Responsibilities of a Teacher

Role and Responsibilities of a Teacher Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training. My work is within the education sector at Northampton College. Specifically, I do two jobs both in the Supported Learning Department, firstly as a Learning support assistant, and secondly as an Hourly Paid Teacher. The Supported Learning department provides specialist education for our students with learning disabilities, it provides education which teaches life skills and the functional areas and skills of Maths and English that meet the real needs of our Young People. Interestingly we were working towards a method of rewarding when assessing, setting targets and goals. This became clearer to me when reading Petty, (2014,p.67) in which he talks about Medals and missions are related to the goals the student is working towards. The phrase Medals and Missions made simple sense of what we were doing. The ethos of his book, Teaching Today, (Petty, 2014), is also close to the Supported Learning ethos of meeting the needs and requirements of the diverse and different student body. The Teac hing /Learning cycle of continually assessing, planning, delivering (or teaching), assessing again and then evaluating, is a model that we utilise extensively. We try to help our young people to make a successful transition from school into Further Education, it is acknowledged as being very hard, (Department for Education, 2011,p.14). Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals The Team Around the Child (TAC) concept can include any professionals from other fields such as education, health, social services, and police. Within the education environment there are many professionals that may be called upon from the Teaching staff (the Teacher and Support Assistants) to the SENCO (The Schools Special Educational Needs Coordinator) there can also be involvement with the Principal or Head and the Governors. There should of course be layered communications and involvements with the Students Parents/Carers, siblings and other family members. There may also be occasion to call upon the specialised Safeguarding officers in potential cases of harm or abuse. Within the Supported Learning area there will also be contact on a regular basis with the following professionals; Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) professions, Speech And Language Therapist (SALT), Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist, Social Workers, the Police and Youth Offending Teams. Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles Teaching as a rule tends to have variation between the vastly different curriculum areas, however in Supported Learning these boundaries are often blurred as Teaching staff can often cover all elements of the curriculum. At the Pre-entry level or at Entry Levels 1,2 3 the nature of the subjects is much less sophisticated or complex than at GCSE level. However, performing both an ASA and a Teacher role I have noticed that where there is team work the lessons tend to be more successful than where there are rigid boundaries between staff. With other professions, it is important to adhere to appropriate behaviours and to avoid overfamiliarity. Not letting ones opinions cloud ones judgements is an important area to reflect upon and to take care to not overstep boundaries with fellow professionals. Lastly, teaching staff should always consider the potential dangers and pitfalls of using Social Media like Facebook Twitter not disclosing confidential information about students or indeed n ot having any students on your friends list will help to mitigate any risks. Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities In our sector of Supported Learning the new SEND Code of Practise (Department for Education and Department of Health, 2014, p13-p14) is very much a bible. Critically it has widened the period from 18 years to 25 years in which a person transfers between child and adult services. There is now much more focus on the views of children and young people in decision making and in their aspirations. Another important Act for us to adhere to, is the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006), it is a very risk adverse document which seeks to help avoid placing people who are unsuitable to work with children, young people or vulnerable adults. The other key legislation documents that we need to follow include the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), Data Protection Act (1998) and the Equality Act (2010. The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) describes the obligations on employers and employees and looks at protecting against the risks involved to health and safety, by assessing and mitigating against them. The Data Protection Act (1998) controls how information is used by organisations or the government. The Equality Act (2010) of England, Scotland and Wales ensures that peoples rights are met in areas such as age, disability, gender, religion and race. Reflective account Considering your learning in this unit or drawing on your own experience, provide a reflective account in relation to the following: explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others (ref. 2.2) This course mirrored for me the work we do during induction, at the very start of each course the different policies for behaviour and for respect for each other were mapped out and agreed by the teaching staff and the students. During the very first session of this course we set out ground rules which when followed enable learning to happen in a safe and structured way. I have found that collaboratively working with the learners to build a list of ground rules develops a list that we can all follow, the rules tend to be generic like punctuality, turning off phones, no swearing, no violence. We also try and incorporate positives like equality, respect for each others diversity and being frank and honest with each other. ways to promote equality and value diversity (ref. 1.3) The Equality Act (2010) embraces diversity and protects people from discrimination because of being in one or more of the following categories: race, sex, sexual orientation; gender; disability, marital state, maternity, religion and faith, and age. The act sets out to prevent unlawful discrimination against people but it also strives to promote equality. In practise, I have found that working in Supported Learning it becomes second nature, in our classes there are vast spectrums of differing abilities and different needs. Therefore, my lesson plans must be tailored to include all. I should ensure that the classroom environment and the actual content of the lesson is inclusive to all. I have found that ensuring each person in the room has a voice and is encouraged to use it, sometimes by using starter or Icebreaker activities. During the second session of this course I came up with a definition of Diversity that I liked Diversity is an acceptance and celebration that includes all, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender and ability. the importance of identifying and meeting the needs of learners (ref. 1.4) When embarking on teaching a new class I would first undertake initial assessments to see where any gaps are, and to understand the diversity of knowledge and ability this is very important in Supported Learning where each class has very diverse students. Each student also has a file of information which in most instances also includes an Education Health and Care (EHC) plans (Department for Education and Department of Health, 2014, p141-p206). An EHC plan is the new document which has replaced the Statements of SEN for children and young people with special educational needs, it has wealth of information and should also include targets for the young people which can be incorporated into the lesson plans. Then I would plan and deliver lessons to the group and to individuals where required. It is then critical to reflect on how things went and if need be to adapt and apply any changes. Next I tend to continually assess and apply any further changes. ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. (ref. 2.1) A safe learning environment is about the physical safety of the classroom, but, it is also about the feelings of the young people, some of whom may have had very negative experiences of learning. On the physical side adherence to the rules and policies of the organisation will be a starting point, following the obligations laid down by the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) is key. Each time a classroom is used a risk assessment can be carried out very quickly making sure that fire exits are accessible (especially for wheelchair users), ensuring that there are no dangers that could cause trips and falls. describes the obligations for example. With each class I teach I try to ensure a safe environment by making sure we establish ground rules and that everybody is comfortable with each other. I then try to model good behaviour by doing things like arriving punctually, ensuring my phone is turned off and treating all the learners with respect. References Data Protection Act (1998) [WWW Document]. UK Legislation. doi:10.1136/inpract.20.2.101 Department for Education (2011) Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability. Department for Education and Department of Health (2014) Special educational needs and disability code of practiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¯: 0 to 25 years. London. Equality Act (2010) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 23 March 2017]. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1974) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 23 March 2017]. Petty, G. (2014) Teaching Today: A Practical Guide. 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) [online]. Available from: [Accessed 23 March 2017].

Saturday, July 20, 2019

John Miltons Sonnet 16 Essay -- John Milton Sonnet 16 Essays

John Milton's Sonnet 16 In his sonnets, John Milton tackles a number of subjects which he addresses at considerably greater length in his other poetry and prose. These subjects range from religious to political, and rarely is any one piece of writing limited to one or the other of those fields. While his Sonnet 16 begins with a challenge to familiar biblical passages, Milton ultimately uses it to offer a critique of the nearly ubiquitous comparison between the king and God. The sonnet features two motifs that run throughout the first seven lines. Both are biblical, and both are introduced in the first line. The one that seems to be the most significant is the light and dark imagery. In the first line, it sounds like a reference to Milton’s blindness (this is more or less plausible depending on which date of publication you accept). As this language continues to crop up, it appears that Milton’s darkness has a larger importance. In the second line, he refers to the world as dark, and in line seven, he uses the lack of light to pose a frustrated question to God. By using this vocabulary to describe his fears, Milton creates a connection with two passages from the Bible that use the same language to explain the will of God and the way of the world. In Matthew 25: 1-13, a brightly shining lantern symbolizes a person’s preparedness for God’s coming, and in John 9:4, Christ refers to the limited time he (and every man ) has to do God’s work on earth before â€Å"the night cometh, when no man can work† (King James Bible). Milton engages with these passages, so that when he reaches the height of his dilemma, â€Å"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied,/I fondly ask† he is issuing a direct challenge to a statement made b... ... God has a tireless band of angels as well as his followers among men who have learned to set aside all else and worship him. In this sonnet, Milton manages to turn his personal complaint into not one but two of his favorite things: praise of God, and intense criticism of the king. By focusing on the parable of the talents and its ties to both the worldly and the spiritual, Milton calls God and King into relief. He is then able to use God and His eternal, abiding goodness to highlight the King’s small-minded, self-centered tyranny. This direct comparison gives readers a sense of Milton’s belief that earthly authority is corrupt, and should never be a part of religion. God and the King are so vastly far apart that to bring them together, whether in poetry or in a church hierarchy, is offensive to God and can only bring out the weaknesses of the King.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Striding Apis Bull Essay -- essays papers

The Striding Apis Bull The Apis Bull originated in Memphis, cult of Serapis during the reign of Ptolemy I. Serapis was the god whose association with Osiris, the god of the dead, formed the name Asar-Hapi. Asar is the Egyptian name of Osiris and Hapi was the name given to the Apis Bull which was the object of worship at Memphis. The Greeks combined the two together to form Zaparrus. Even though it is not quite clear, it is certain that Serapis is the shape Apis took after death. â€Å"Apis is called the â€Å"life of Osiris, the lord of heaven, tem (with) his horns (in) his head .†He is said to give life, strength, and health to thy nostrils forever.† At the beginning of the new Empire Osiris and Apis are united by priests of Memphis to represent a funeral character which, at the time, was considered a god of the underworld. This character that was considered to be the god of the underworld was the Apis Bull. There are several different Egyptian myths about the â€Å"Apis Bull†. However, the most common myths of the Apis Bull are alike. â€Å"In one myth Apis assisted Isis, Osiris’s wife, in searching for the body of Osiris. It was believed by the ancient Egyptians that the bull’s fecundity and generative powers could be transformed to the deceased, ensuring him or her rebirth in the next life.† In another Egyptian myth it was said that an Apis Bull was born of a virgin cow that was impregnated by Ptah. â€Å"The Bull could be recognized by a peculiar white mark on his neck, a rump t...