Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Anthropology peoples sothesat asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anthropology peoples sothesat asia - Essay Example These two opposing clans are in constant conflict; but the advent of slavery will merge the steadfast differences of these two into one similarity: Borneans in Southeast Asia who are duty-bound under the guise of civilization and the economic vitality of slavery. In the end of the eighteenth century, western superpowers, specifically the Spanish, Dutch, and British in Borneo, commenced in subjugating Southeast Asia for the purpose of monopolizing sought after products and raw materials in the developing marketplace in the region and Europe. Borneo, endowed with the gift of a lucrative geographical position, intensified its trading relations with other Southeast Asian countries. This move improved the island’s economy and commercial power. The growth of trade perverted through notching a better market for slave traders and raiders owing to the demand for laborers to accumulate riches and resources. Asian slavery is different from the western slavery structure. Slavery in Asia w as of two types: the debt slaves and the bondage slaves. The former type were people who paid large debts through elicited free labor whereas the latter type were captives from raids and wars who were sold to slavery. In the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries, the population of Southeast Asia remained at a very low level hence troubling the region with problems of labor shortage. This reality aggravated the lust for money of the raiders who traded slaves as laborers in a naturally bountiful but populace- deprived environment. Nevertheless, even before the Dutch colonized Borneo it had already been the fortress of slave trade in which slaves were awarded as tributes or trading commodities. Although, it is important to note that western concept of slavery in Asia which is characterized by slaves in chains and those who were frequently chastised and maltreated, is not coherent

Monday, October 28, 2019

The resistance in a piece of wire Essay Example for Free

The resistance in a piece of wire Essay Also if the atoms in the material are more closely packed then the electrons will have more frequent collisions and the resistance will increase. I will use Nichrome only. 4 Density of wire- In a higher density wire there will be a higher resistance because there will be more fixed ions and more collisions. 5 Temperature of wire- If the wire is heated up the atoms in the wire will start to vibrate because of their increase in energy. This causes more collisions between the electrons and the atoms as the atoms are moving into the path of the electrons. This increase in collisions means that there will be an increase in resistance. 6 Shape of wire- the wire will be straight and taped to a meter rule, the shape of the wire may increase the resistance. 7 Voltage of 2 volts- I will have to keep a constant voltage because if the voltage changes then the resistance will change. The equation for resistance = voltage / current. If voltage increases, resistance increases. Apparatus The apparatus I will need to perform this experiment will be: 1 Power pack (2volts) 2 Ammeter 3 Voltmeter 4 6 wires 5 2 crocodile clips 6 Meter rule 7 Masking tape 8 Board marker Circuit diagram Method I have chosen to take a range of 10 lengths. I have chosen a range of 10 as to plot an accurate graph I will need at least 10 points to mark on the graph. The lengths that I have chosen are as follows: 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 40 cm, 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm and 100cm. I have chosen these lengths because the meter ruler can easily measure them and enough results to make a firm conclusion. To change the length of the Nichrome wire during the experiment I will tape down 1 meter of Nichrome 32 swg wire to a meter rule. I will then connect the 2 crocodile clips different distances apart using the measurements on the meter rule. The wire will be attached at X in the circuit. In my experiment I will find the current in the circuit using an ammeter and I will find the voltage in the wire using a voltmeter. I will take these two readings so I can then calculate the resistance using the equation resistance = voltage / current. I want to make my experiment as accurate as possible so I want to produce repeat readings so that I can find an average resistance. I will be using a variable resistor in my experiment to produce these repeat readings. I will draw 4 equally spaced points on the variable resistor with a board marker. To get my repeat readings I will move the variable resistor to these 4 points and get four readings for each length. After I have found the average resistance for each length of wire I will produce a graph showing the average resistance against the length of the wire. I will draw on my graph a line of best fit and then from this I will be able to see if my prediction was correct and if the resistance does increase when the length of wire increases. 1. Set up a circuit as shown above. Set the power pack at a constant voltage of 2 volts. 2. At X in the circuit the wire will be placed. I will first connect the crocodile clips 100cm apart. Then turn the voltmeter and ammeter on and ensure the variable resistor is set at the first point. 3. Now turn on the power pack and record the first results shown on the ammeter and voltmeter. I must take the first results because the results may change due to overheating if the power pack is left on. Now turn off the power pack. 4. To take my repeat reading of 100cm I will then move the slider on the variable resistor to the second marked point. I will now turn on the power pack and record the first result shown on the ammeter and voltmeter. 5. I will continue taking my repeat readings and moving the variable resistor along and recording the results for 100cm. 6. I will then change the length of wire to 90cm by moving the crocodile clips and i will set the variable resistor at the first point. Then I will turn on the power pack and record the first set of results. I will take 4 repeat readings for each length of Nichrome wire. 7. I will record 4 repeat readings for each length of Nichrome wire until I have results for all 10 lengths. Results table Length (cm) Repeat number Voltage (volts) Current (amps) Resistance (? ) Average 17. 82 I have put in bold any anomalous results. Analysing and considering evidence Conclusion From my graph I can tell that my prediction was correct. As the length increases the resistance increases, a piece of 20cm wire has a resistance of 3.8 ? and a piece of 30cm wire has a resistance of 5. 6 ?. This is because a longer piece of wire has a higher resistance because in a longer piece of wire there are more collisions between the electrons and the metal ions. In every successful collision energy is lost from the electron to the wire ions. The result is that the voltage of the wire increases. Because the equation for resistance is resistance = voltage / current, the resistance then increases. From my line of best I can also tell that as the length doubles the resistance always almost doubles too. A piece of 20cm wire has a resistance of 3.8 ? and a piece of 40cm wire has a resistance of 7. 4 ?. Double 3. 8 ? is 7. 6 ? this is almost double but not quite probably because my experiment was not quite accurate. A piece of wire 30cm long had a resistance of 5. 6 ? and a piece of wire 60cm long has a resistance of 11. 1 ?. This is also almost double, double 5. 6 ? is 11. 2 ?. The resistance doubles as the length doubles because there can be double the amount of successful collisions so double the amount of energy is lost causing the voltage to double and so the resistance doubles. Key Electron Metal ion Predicted results Length (cm)Predicted resistance ( ? ) Actual resistance ( ? ) Difference ( ? ) 1All of my results were quite close to my predicted results but as the length increases my predicted resistances become less accurate. This could have been for several reasons that are mentioned in my evaluation but probably as my experiment went on the wire overheated so my results became less accurate. Evaluating My method of collecting my results worked quite well. I gained the results I expected from my experiment. The quality of my evidence was good. My line of best fit went through almost all of my points on my graph and was quite similar to my predicted line of best. I did have some anomalous results. When I experimented with 10cm of Nichrome wire my fourth repeat readings was quite different to the other readings. It had a resistance 0. 87 ? that was the lowest repeat readings for 10cm. The second lowest was 1. 80 ? , this is quite a lot more than the anomalous result. When investigating which 30cm of Nichrome wire I had another anomalous result that was 6. 48 ? , the third repeat reading. This was the biggest repeat reading. The second largest was only 5. 89 ?. This could have been because:   I left the power pack on too long. This causes the wire to overheat.   When I was measuring the lengths of the Nichrome wire my measurements might have been slightly inaccurate. The rulers used might not have been exact and it was difficult to get an accurate reading of length by eye as the wire was not completely straight. Also the ruler may have been of different thicknesses throughout the length. This would have contributed as a slight error in my results.   The ammeter and voltmeter could have been slightly faulty and not given me correct, accurate readings. I connected the wire into the circuit using crocodile clips. These were quite loose and so this could have made my results less accurate. If I improved my method I could either attach the wires with tape but this may affect my results so instead I could solder the Nichrome wire into my circuit. It was difficult to adjust the variable resistor slider accurately only by eye. If I did the investigation again I could try to and adjust the variable resistor accurately I will use an advanced digital variable resistor.   I also found it difficult to measure exact lengths against the meter rule because the crocodile clips didnt clip on to the wire very securely. If I did the investigation again I could pre cut all the lengths of wire before the experiment instead of just connecting the crocodile clips at different distances apart on the meter rule. To further my investigation I could use the same method but increase the range of lengths. I could use lengths of up to 3 meters. I could take readings from lengths at smaller intervals; I could take reading every 5cm instead of every 10cm as I did. I could also take more repeat readings to get a even more accurate average. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

An Analysis of Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

An Analysis of Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn I can always remember being younger when I just wanted to runaway. I would lay in bed and say "this place sucks, I just want to leave" In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, a young boy, Huck Finn, learns what life is like growing up in Missouri and his troublesome childhood leads him to runaway from home. Throughout the story Huck learns that in order to escape and run away from home, others need help running away too. Huck lies in order to keep Jim, Huck's companion, safe along the trip. In this novel, Twain uses the Mississippi river as a symbol of freedom for both Huck and Jim. Huck was raised in a different way, much different from his friends. Huck's father was a drunk and his mother passed away. For a while Huck had the life of doing whatever he wanted. Huck becomes very sheltered because he moves in with Miss Watson and Widow Douglas. These two ladies believe that Huck must attend school, learn religion, and how to be a gentleman. Huck gets tired of living this way and wants to be free. Once he escapes from Miss Watson's, his dad finds him, making Huck live all alone in a cabin. When Pap Finn comes home, he is drunk and beats Huck. Huck figures out a way to fake his death and escape once again. He floats down the Mississippi river and lives the "freedom life." Huck retreats to Jackson Island where he meets Jim, the slave on Miss Watson's ranch. Huck and Jim decide to team up and escape together. Huck learns that Jim has run away because he may be sold to another ranch, being and slave or possibly being killed. "I hear ole missus tell de widder she gwyne to sell me to OrleansÉ" (p. 54). Floating down the river, Huck uses his lying skills to keep slave hunters away from Jim, " 'Well the five niggers run off tonight, is your man white or black?' ' He is white sir'". Huck lies are used as a survial tool for both Huck and Jim. When Huck and Jim are on the raft they live a peaceful life, except they are unable to escape the evils of society from the outside world. In their route to freedom, they come upon a couple of con men, the duke and the dauphin.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mankind As A Problem :: essays research papers

The biggest blight on the face of the planet is mankind. The major problems facing the world today can all be traced in one way or another back to the interference of man. The human race has yielded too much power for the past several thousands of years and it is time for a stern, quick change in the world. Mankind has walked with impunity from place to place upon the face of this planet and only in a few instances has it rendered anything other than death or chaos. My purpose with this essay is to illustrate that the human race is almost not worth running. Creatures endowed with such inborn capabilities have sunken to a level below any seen before. While capable of such acts of beauty and wonder, they instead choose to act selfishly and without reason.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The human race is, like every living thing, an animal. However, the human race is unlike any other animal on the face of this planet. The human race is more brutal then other animals. The human race is the only animal that will set out to commit genocide or slaughter its own kind by amounts I can not begin to fathom. The human race has done this many times through it’s past and shows no signs of altering. Nazi Germany almost eliminated the entire Jewish population from Europe, and killed millions before they could be stopped. Communist Russia, under the leadership of Stalin, conducted many tests and experiments on humans that lead to the deaths of millions more for no purpose other than to satisfy one man’s curious side. The human race for centuries, and in some parts of the world still does committed slavery. Brutality of human against human has been a common theme through the years, but if you go club one baby seal you would get the chair. Humans h ave come to accept brutality upon themselves as a fact of life but sit in disgust when it is committed against something else. Part of what makes man so dangerous and problematic is his intelligence level. The human race is the smartest thing on the planet Earth. This has put him on top of the food chain where he can do the most damage to the world as a whole. His intelligence has allowed him to advance technologically throughout history. His advances in technology have come with problems to not only him, but also the world.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

5 Stages of Grief

Kubler-Ross Model of 5 Stages of Death Daniel Redwood, D. C. (1995) mentioned the 5 stages of death was introduced by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in the book On Death and Dying (1956). The 5 stages of death is also known as Kubler-Ross Model. According to this model, there are 5 stages that a person will face when he or she is going through death or is about to lose someone they love or have just lost their loved ones. The 5 stages are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and the final stage is Acceptance (as citied in Elisabeth K. B. , 1956).The 5 stages will be further explained as below. The first stage is ‘Denial’. In this stage, people who are about to die or have lost their loved ones will be very numb and they will find that there is no purpose in life. Besides that, during this stage, one will not be able to focus in their life and will usually lose their hope. Through being in denial, one will be able to cope and thus making survival to be possible once again. Being in the denial stage also protects them from being overwhelm with the anxiety that they are about to die or have lost their loved ones.Another important reason why one will be in this stage, is because they are unable to accept the reality that they are about to die or have lost their loved ones ( Elisabeth K. B. , 1956). The second stage of death is ‘Anger’. In the ‘Anger’ stage, one will usually be feeling very angry because they got that particular sickness or because they have lost their loved ones. They feel angry because they feel it’s not fair for them to fall sick or for their loved ones to fall sick. This is mainly due to the reason of belief that they have lived a balanced and healthy life. Therefore, they should not easily fall sick and face death.During this stage, the person will usually have a targeted person to release their anger. Usually, the person who is facing death due to some terminal illness will release their anger towards the doctor who is treating them, immediate family members or the person who is taking care of them. According to Axelrod, J. (2006), doctors usually becomes the targeted person because the doctor was not able to find a cure or treatment for the illness that the person is facing. This may be due to the stereotype that doctors should be able to treat and cure all of their patient’s sickness.Family members and the immediate person who is taking care of the person who is facing death becomes the targeted person because the person who is facing death will usually be filled with anger and disappointment due to the fact that they are about to leave their loved ones and not be able to ever see them again. After the ‘Anger’ stage, comes the ‘Bargaining’ stage. According to Elisabeth, K. B. (1956), just before we are about to lose our loved ones, the bargaining stage comes in the form of ‘doing anything and everything’ to spare the life of your loved ones, so that we are able to see them survive and continue living.The bargaining usually involves spirituality, where one will look towards a higher Being for miracle to take place. After a loss, bargaining will appear in the form of â€Å"What if.. † or â€Å"If only.. † statements. This is because, we would wish if we could have return to the past and change things so that we would not have lost our loved ones. The next stage is ‘Depression’. Elisabeth, K. B. (1956) mentioned right after the ‘Bargaining’ stage, we will step into the present state. Feeling of emptiness, sorrow and grief will be very deep and at times unbearable.During this stage, one will feel as though this depression will always be there. Elisabeth, K. B. (1956) also state that the stage of depression is normal when one has lost their loved ones. Finally, we will go through the ‘Acceptance’ stage. During this stage, we have finally accepted the reality and able to live in the present. We may not like the reality, however we have learned to accept. We have finally made a way to be able to continue living our life and move on. Instead of denying the past, one will be able to change, grow and continue living

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Explain The Skills And Personal Qualities Essays

Explain The Skills And Personal Qualities Essays Explain The Skills And Personal Qualities Essay Explain The Skills And Personal Qualities Essay Explain the skills and personal qualities required for command and control MM Assess the skills required for given practical command and control scenarios and compare these to own performance Lot is very important in the public services that we see many skills and qualities from a personnel to show that they have command and control Olin this presentation I have used three skills and three qualities, describe them, giving an example and then giving a real life scenario in which I have undergone. Communication Skill Communications is the passing on of information wrought multiple ways such as speaking or writing. [Gigged communication is needed as they will be expected to talk and listen to members of the public or co owe saw a good example of communication in the Coppers Series 1 Episode 2 Traffic video where one the Police officers had to go in and speak to an elderly man who had not so long ago lost his partner due to a car collision. C]The police officer went into the situation using the best type of immunization for the scenario showing sympathy and empathy towards the person. Cities shows that he understands how important his choice of communication was in this situation. Real life scenario 01 used communication a lot when doing command and control tasks, one example of this was the Paper Bridge task which involved myself stepping up and talking to all my team members and getting out the best possible decisions on how to tackle it. AS I have a lot of experience took control of the situation along with two others and by communicating with each other and the whole team we came up with the quickest bridge that was also ere stable too. Discipline Skill Sideswiping is the ability to obey and follow rules with punishments being handed out if disobeyed. L] Being disciplined and enthusiastic are needed as you will not be watched under a close eye so will be expected to follow the rules set out whilst out doing their job. Eave many different types of objectives to complete in any environment Cliche the police Dog handling team came in an visited us with their dogs the officers showed a lot of discipline but so did the dogs. Following every order they were given, sticking close to their officer and using their training to tackle the tasks they were even. C]The officers showed that through discipline they alongside their dogs could go into any situation and do what they have been trained to do. C]An example of where I ha ve used this in real life situations would be drill. Drill is done every Wednesday involving numerous calls that we would do as a team with everyone performing them together following the orders that have been given to use exactly. C]Some of the orders given would that such as parade, at ease, fallout and more. Teamwork Skill Ahoy have to be able to work with a team when completing an objective with full co-operation, communication and control. Cities must have full trust in each other, and also understand each others body language and instructions. They must be ready for any type of emergency such as car crashes or burning buildings taking the lives of many into mind. 1 saw an example of this when watching the Coppers Series 1 Episode 2 Traffic C] Which showed the Police working with the traffic cops and ambulance service to help deal with a car collision which involved a van. Cite three forces worked together efficiently and effectively to take control of the situation and ensure that all casualties were being dealt with and that t he wreckage was being cleared. Socialist every single command and control task I have done has involved teamwork, one that stands out the most is when the Royal Logistic Corps came in to take a few tasks. C]One of the tasks required us to wear blind folds with one person in charge and to work together to complete the task as quickly as we could with the blindfolds on; listening to the commands given to use by our leader and putting our full trust into them Confidence Personal Quality Ahoy will have to make decisions at a quick time with all confidence behind your decision this will also require mental agility, so a leader has to always be on is game, he will always give out the best decisions to the team taking everything in mind. C] They must be able to give out clear, decisive instructions in any crisis or environment knowing with full confidence in themselves. Owen watching the Coppers Series 1 Episode 5 Public Order video you see this demonstrated a lot, mainly when visiting the riots where they dont have much time to stop and think over what they are going to do. C] This means that when they are being hit and attacked they have full confidence that what they do next will be justified as they have gone through the training ND know the rules so the confidence within themselves to go out and do their jobs is high. C]When on the Army trip I went on for a week I was undergoing an assault course which really didnt want to do as a lot of it involved heights which I am very intimated by. C]But by talking to my team and the officers they helped me build my confidence to a point where I wanted to get on the course and do as best as I could. L]Because of my confidence I was able to take on the course and also help others out who didnt have much confidence. Integrity Personal Quality Celebrity is having strong moral ethics and honesty, his an extremely important quality that is a must have in the public services as you are working with the public, criminals or suspects on a daily basis. Cities means that they will constantly be trusted to go out and deliver the law and enforce it, doing so morally, fairly and justified without a close watch over them. C]When on parole, Police Officers are always expected to show integrity, they will be expected to do their job knowing that at the end of the day they have done it to the book and could easily justify every decision they made. Ahoy will see this a lot when in riots where the Police Officers will be expected to be able to justify their actions such as when it was necessary for them to use force. C]When I was completing the lap circuit we were not closely watched by any of the tutors so were expected to do it ourselves. Was in charge of the situation and even though we had the option the exaggerate our time or miss a corner, I made sure this was not the case and that we all ran the race fairly and honestly, as we would never benefit from it. Empathy Personal Quality [Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone elses shoes, understanding and sharing their feelings. Empathy is needed as you will always be put in situations where someone may have lost a family member or had on seriously injured, by being empathetic you can help them and co-operate with them better as it shows you understand what they are going through and that you just want to help C]As discretion can also be linked to empathy, for example being able to decide wherever or not you need to be detained as of how they interpret the law. Awe an example Of discretion when watching Coppers Series 1 Episode 4 Saturday Night which shows on numerous occasions the police officers using their discretion and empathy to decide to not sock someone up as they understand that you just want to go out and have a drink and that no one wants to end up in jail, so instead give out warnings such as sending people home. Owen completing the laps around the pitch a few people on my team did not want to run as they felt ill or were injured. C]However, if we did not fill their places then we wouldnt of been able to complete the activity so after speaking to them could see they really didnt want to do it for many reasons such as fitness. 01 felt bad for them as they felt they were letting the team down so I and another stepped Out to take their position.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Biography of Andrew Jackson, 7th U.S. President

Biography of Andrew Jackson, 7th U.S. President Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767–June 8, 1845 and known as Old Hickory), was the son of Irish immigrants and a soldier, a lawyer, and a legislator who became the seventh president of the United States. Known as the first citizen-president, Jackson was the first non-elite man to hold the office. Fast Facts: Andrew Jackson Known For: 7th U.S. President (1829–1837)Born: March 15, 1767 near Twelve Mile Creek on the border between North and South CarolinaParents: Irish immigrants Andrew Jackson and his wife Elizabeth Hutchinson  Died: June 8, 1845 in The Hermitage, Nashville, TennesseeSpouse: Rachel DonelsonAdopted Children: Andrew Jackson, Jr., Lyncoya, and Andrew Jackson Hutchings Early Life Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaw community on Twelve Mile Creek on the border of North and South Carolina. He was the third child, and the first one born in the Americas, of his Irish immigrant parents, linen weavers Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson. His father died unexpectedly before he was born- some stories say he was crushed by a falling tree- and his mother raised he and his two brothers by herself. The Waxhaw community was made up of Scots-Irish settlers and five of Elizabeths married sisters lived nearby, so Elizabeth and her sons moved in with her sister Janes husband James Crawford, and she helped raise Janes eight children. All three of the Jackson boys took part in the American Revolution. Andrews older brother Hugh died of exposure after the Battle of Stono Ferry in 1779. Robert and Andrew witnessed the Battle of Hanging Rock and were captured by the British, catching smallpox while in Camden jail. Learning of their capture, Elizabeth made the trip to Camden and arranged for their release in exchange for some captured British soldiers. Robert died and while Andrew laid in a delirium, Elizabeth went to visit quarantined Waxhaw community members on board a ship in Charleston harbor. She contracted cholera and died. Andrew returned to Waxhaw but no longer got along with his relatives. He was a bit wild, burned through an inheritance, and then left Waxhaw for Salisbury, North Carolina in 1784. There, he studied law with other attorneys and qualified for the bar in 1787. He was appointed public prosecutor in middle Tennessee in 1788, and on the way there, fought his first duel and bought his first slave, a woman not much older than himself. Marriage and Family Jackson became a leading citizen in Nashville and married Rachel Donelson in 1791, who had previously been married. In 1793, the couple learned that her divorce was not yet final, so they repeated their vows again. The charge of bigamy would come to haunt them while Jackson was campaigning for president, and he blamed his opponents for causing the stress leading to her death in 1828. Together the Jacksons had no children, but they adopted three: Andrew Jackson Jr. (the son of Rachels brother Severn Donelson), Lyncoya (1811–1828), a Creek Indian orphan adopted by Jackson after the Battle of Tallushatchee, and Andrew Jackson Hutchings (1812–1841), the grandson of Rachels sister. The couple also took guardianship of several other related and unrelated children, some of whom only lived with them a short while. Legal and Military Career Andrew Jackson was a lawyer in North Carolina and then Tennessee. In 1796, he served at the convention that created the Tennessee Constitution. He was elected in 1796 as Tennessees first U.S. representative and then as a U.S. senator in 1797, from which he resigned after eight months. From 1798–1804, he was a justice on the Tennessee Supreme Court. During his period as a justice, he managed his credit, bought slaves and a new parcel of land, and built The Hermitage, where he would live for most of his life. During the War of 1812, Jackson served as the major general of the Tennessee Volunteers. He led his troops to victory in March 1814 against the Creek Indians at Horseshoe Bend. In May 1814 he was made major general of the Army, and on January 8, 1815, he defeated the British in New Orleans for which he was lauded as a war hero. Jackson also served in the 1st Seminole War (1817–1819), during which he overthrew the Spanish governor in Florida. After serving in the military and being the military governor of Florida in 1821, Jackson served in the Senate again from 1823–1825. Running for President In 1824, Jackson ran for president against John Quincy Adams. He won the popular vote but the lack of an electoral majority resulted in the election for Adams being decided in the House. The choice of Adams was popularly known as the corrupt bargain, an undercover deal giving the office to Adams in exchange for Henry Clay becoming secretary of state. The backlash from this election split the Democratic-Republican Party in two. The new Democratic party renominated Jackson to run for president in 1825, three years before the next election, with John C. Calhoun as his running mate. Jackson and Calhoun ran against incumbent John Quincy Adams of the new National Republican Party, a campaign that was less about issues and more about the candidates themselves: the election was characterized as the triumph of the common man over the elites. Jackson became the seventh U.S. president with 54 percent of the popular vote and 178 out of 261 electoral votes. The 1832 presidential election was the first to use National Party Conventions. Jackson ran again as the incumbent with Martin Van Buren as his running mate. His opponent was Henry Clay, whose ticket included vice presidential nominee John Sergeant. The main campaign issue was the Bank of the United States, Jacksons use of the spoils system, and his use of the veto. Jackson was called King Andrew I by his opposition, but he still won 55 percent of the popular vote and 219 out of 286 electoral votes. Events and Accomplishments Jackson was an active executive who vetoed more bills than all previous presidents. He believed in rewarding loyalty and appealing to the masses. He relied on an informal group of advisors called the Kitchen Cabinet to set policy instead of his real cabinet. During Jacksons presidency, sectional issues began to arise. Many southern states, upset over tariffs, wished to preserve states rights to overrule the federal government and when Jackson signed a moderate tariff in 1932, South Carolina felt it had the right through nullification (the belief that a state could rule something unconstitutional) to ignore it. Jackson stood strong against South Carolina, ready to use the military if necessary to enforce the tariff. In 1833, a compromise tariff was enacted that helped mollify the sectional differences for a time. In 1832, Jackson vetoed the Second Bank of the United States charter. He believed the government could not constitutionally create such a bank and that it favored the wealthy over the common people. This action led to federal money being put into state banks, which then loaned it out freely, leading to inflation. Jackson stopped the easy credit by requiring all land purchases to be made in gold or silver- a decision that would have consequences in 1837. Jackson supported Georgias expulsion of the Indians from their land to reservations in the west. He used the Indian Removal Act of 1830 to force them to move, even discounting the Supreme Court ruling in Worcester v. Georgia (1832) that said they could not be forced to move. From 1838–1839, troops led over 15,000 Cherokees from Georgia in a devastating march called the Trail of Tears. Jackson survived an assassination attempt in 1835 when the two derringers pointed at him didnt fire. The gunman, Richard Lawrence, was found not guilty of the attempt by reason of insanity. Death and Legacy Andrew Jackson returned to his home, the Hermitage, near Nashville, Tennessee. He stayed active politically until his death there on June 8, 1845. Andrew Jackson is considered by some as one of the United States greatest presidents. He was the first citizen-president representing the common man who believed strongly in preserving the union and in keeping too much power out of the hands of the wealthy. He was also the first president to truly embrace the powers of the presidency. Sources Cheathem, Mark. Andrew Jackson, Southerner. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press (2013).Remini, Robert V. Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Empire, 1767–1821. New York: Harper Row (1979).Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Freedom, 1822–1832. New York: Harper Row (1981).Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Democracy, 1833–1845. New York: Harper Row (1984).Wilentz, Sean. Andrew Jackson: The Seventh President, 1829–1837. New York: Henry Holt (2005).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write Amazing Caltech Essays

How to Write Amazing Caltech Essays SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The California Institute of Technology- or Caltech, as it’s more commonly known- is a highly exclusive college. If you want to join the Beavers, you’ll need not just top grades and standardized test scores, but strong writing supplements to support them as well. Caltech accepts around nine percent of students that apply, making it an extremely competitive school.The more you know about the Caltech essay prompts before you start, the better prepared you are to answer them. Read on to learn about 2018’s essay prompts, as well as some tips and tricks for maximizing their potential to impress! Feature Commons What Do I Need to Know About the Caltech Essays? Caltech accepts both the Coalition and Common Application, so you can use whichever application suits you better. In addition to the requiredCoalition or Common Application essays, Caltech also requires four short essays. One essay asks you to describe three experiences that contributed to your interest in STEM fields, with 10 to 120 words for each experience, or 30 to 360 total.The other three essays, which cover how you’ll interact with the Caltech community, what creative and fun interests you have, and what diversity you’ll bring to the student body, have requirements of 250 to 400 words. Altogether, you’ll be writing between 780 and 1560 words. These essays are fairly short, so you’ll want to spend a good amount of time honing your argument to its most efficient. Start early so you have plenty of time to plan, refine, revise, and proof before you submit! Do a little preparation and you can look this happy when writing your Caltech essays, too! What Are the Caltech Essay Prompts? TheCaltech essay prompts are fairly standard, though each one is tailored to the college’s specifications. You’ll see the usual â€Å"Why This College?† and â€Å"Diversity† essay questions, but always keep in mind that you’re applying to Caltech specifically, and your essays should reflect that. Prompt #1 Describe three experiences and/or activities that have helped develop your passion for a possible career in a STEM field. (Your response for each experience/activity should range between 10-120 words.) The first essay asks you to describe three things that have led to your love for whatever STEM field you prefer. Note the word requirement- each item should fall between 10 and 120 words, meaning you’ll need to be very brief. Caltech wants you to use this space to demonstrate your interest in the STEM field of your choice. They want to hear about your passion and what interests you, so dig deep to really find that spark of inspiration. Maybe you were captivated by a childhood collection of sea monkeys, or you took your very first game console apart to see how it worked- and you put it back together. These are all great places to start, but be sure that they’re both brief and meaningful to you. You’re telling Caltech a short story about yourself with these three experiences, demonstrating what draws you to STEM over any other field, so be sure that the admissions office understands not just what brings you here, but why. Specificity and brevity are your best friends in this section. Maybe you really have wanted to do computer programming for your entire life, but Caltech wants you to be more specific. Name three instances that inspired you, not your life as a whole. Caltech, as a STEM-focused college, also wants to see your curiosity and interest. Return to experiences involving math or science that excited you in your past and think deeply about how you felt and how they made you want to learn more. These are the kinds of experiences that Caltech wants to hear about! For this prompt, avoid the pitfall of talking too much. When we’re thinking about formative experiences that excite us, we can tend to get a little long-winded. Resist that temptation- you only have 120 words each, so keep it as simple and direct as you can, without any fluff. Each answer should state what the experience was and how that helped develop your passion. Any more than that, and you risk wasting space. Prompt #2 Much like the life of a professional scientist or engineer, the life of a "Techer" relies heavily on collaboration. Knowing this, what do you hope to explore, innovate, or create with your Caltech peers? (Your response should range between 250-400 words.) This is a spin on the typical â€Å"Why You?† question. Many times, these questions are asking what you’ll bring to a college’s student body- in Caltech’s case, they’re looking for specific information about how you plan to participate in the community. Think about your academic and career goals, and combine them with what you know about Caltech’s community. How can they help you reach them? Caltech doesn’t only want to know about what you hope to achieve with your education. Caltech mentions in their mission statement that they aim to â€Å"expand human knowledge and benefit society.† Do your goals align with that mission? How will being part of the Caltech community- not just having a degree from a prestigious university- help you achieve your aspirations? Your best bet with this question is to get specific. Always keep in mind the angle of collaboration- though we often credit individuals with scientific discoveries and technology, many are put together by groups of people building on one another’s research. If you have a specific idea in mind, such as refining lab-grown meat for mass production, consider what skills you have and what skills you don’t. How can your classmates at Caltech help? Take a look at Caltech’s clubs and courses and find some that match your goals. If lab-grown meat is your goal, take a look through Caltech’s bioengineering offerings and fold those into your answer- being specific about how Caltech and the people you meet there will help you meet your goals will make it clear that it’s Caltech, not just a degree, that appeals to you. Though your goals are important to this question, avoid focusing too much on yourself or thinking too far forward. This question wants to know about your time at Caltech- focus on the next few years and how you hope to develop as part of the STEM community. This guy would fit right in at Caltech. Prompt #3 Caltech students are often known for their sense of humor and creative pranks. What do you like to do for fun? (Your response should range between 250-400 words.) Take this question at its word- Caltech is indeed known for its proud history of pranks.The admissions office wants to hear about your life outside of academics and learning. What do you like to do that isn’t related to your field of study? The purpose of this question is to learn more about you as an individual. If you’re in the running for Caltech, you’re already a student with a strong academic record- and so is everybody else at your level. This question wants to know what makes you unique, what features, personality traits, and interests will make you a student that Caltech wants to have around. It’s important that this be a question you answer without an academic focus. That may sound strange- you need to be impressive at Caltech, after all- but think beyond your chemistry work or the game you’ve been working on. Of course, you should also be prepared to answer why whatever you choose matters to you. Maybe you’re really into gardening because seeing something grow from a seed to a plant brings you joy. Maybe playing tabletop role-playing games is your thing, because it’s a creative outlet that pushes you to think on the fly. Whatever the hobby, it should mean something to you- hours mindlessly surfing Netflix isn’t going to cut it. There are a few things to avoid with this prompt. Unique is good, but controversial is too much. Attending college is fitting into a community, and Caltech wants to know that you’ll participate in the community. If you come off as intentionally inflammatory- such as if your favorite hobby is being a troll online- you may stick out for the wrong reasons. Also try not to be too general. If you like to read, tell them what- can you draw your own map of Middle-earth from memory? If you play video games, let them know why- maybe you’re part of a top-ranked Overwatchteam, and you enjoy the camaraderie of grinding your rank with friends, or maybe you’re striving for the world-record in speedrunning Super Mario 64 because you enjoy the thrill of finding a new glitch. Again, always come back to specificity and stating why. It’s better to be clear and concise than wordy and opaque! Prompt #4 The process of discovery best advances when people from various backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives come together. How do you see yourself contributing to the diversity of Caltech's community? (Your response should range between 250-400 words.) This question is a classic representation of the â€Å"Diversity† essay.What Caltech wants to know with this prompt is what you as a unique individual bring to the community. That can be everything from your socioeconomic background to your unconventional upbringing as a traveling circus performer to your interest in antique guitars- don’t feel like the only meaning for â€Å"diversity† is hardship you’ve experienced. Colleges are places where lots of people of different backgrounds come together, and Caltech wants to know that you’re going to both contribute and respect that diversity. Thinking about the ways that you differ from others is a great way of showing that you’re similarly interested in fostering a diversity of thought and experience. Your best option for this prompt is to focus on a specific part of your identity that isn’t discussed elsewhere in your application. If you grew up in a major city, maybe light pollution made it impossible for you to see the night sky, so you read every book you could get your hands on to learn more about the constellations. You could write about how the combination of learning from books and experiencing light pollution ignited your interest in learning more about astronomy, but also in understanding how light pollution impacts the field.This diversity of thought and experience is important to a student body- whatever your niche is, you should discuss it! Do avoid exaggeration or lying, though. Caltech wants to know about your diversity, and the admissions office is experienced in picking out parts of your essay that might be disingenuous or overstated. Again, focus on what really matters to you, not picking a trait that you think will score you points. It probably wasn't one of these kids who wrote these successful Caltech essays. Caltech Essays That Worked All this information is great, but it can still be tricky to understand exactly what Caltech wants to know until you’ve seen it demonstrated. Check out this accepted essay- and some tips from someone who took a serious risk- to learn more about what Caltech hopes to see in your essay! Martin Alternburg's Essay I cross over the bridge into Minnesota. Out of my three sports, cross country is definitely my worst - but I continue to be hooked on it. Unlike swimming and track, my motivation to run is heavily intrinsic. I live for the long runs I take on by myself. While they rarely happen during our season, we were assigned a long run to complete over our first weekend of cross country. In reality, I was supposed to go six miles, but felt eight gave me more time to explore the home I had just returned to. My mind begins to wander as I once again find my rhythm.My train of thought while running is similar to the way one thinks in the minutes before sleep - except one has more control over how these thoughts progress and what tangents they move off of. While special relativity would be the "proper" thing to think about, especially at MITES, I revive the violin repertoire I had turned away from for so long and begin playing it in my head. I'm now at the edge of town in between the cornfields. Th e streaming floodlights on the open road give me a sense of lonely curiosity, reminiscent of the opening lines of Wieniawski's first violin concerto. I come up with adaptations of the melody in my head, experimenting with an atonality similar to Stravinsky's. Martin Altenburg’s essay is well-structured, using the narrative of a morning run to demonstrate all the things that run through his head, and, more importantly, all the unique traits that make him who he is. From just these two paragraphs, we know he’s a runner, that he’s driven, that he strives for more than he thinks he’s capable of, and that he knows music and composition. Because the essay is in a narrative format, we’re able to follow this line of thinking and have it all wrapped up neatly at the end. We’re drawn in by energetic and purposeful writing that also delivers us all the information we need. Throughout the essay, Altenburg discusses his interests and his growth. His strategic use of locations in his hometown allows readers to understand where he comes from both literally and figuratively, especially the part about his beliefs and how the community he’s grown up in have impacted them. All this is valuable information to an admissions office, who wants to see how you see yourself and why. One thing to note about this essay is that it doesn’t include any reference to Caltech. In fact, Altenburg used the same essay to apply to- and get into- eight different Ivy Leagues as well as some other schools. The essay was likely written as part of the Common or Coalition Application rather than as part of Altenburg’s Caltech supplement, hence the lack of specificity. Your essays for the Caltech supplement should contain more specificity than this, as these essays are unique to Caltech and want to know exactly what draws you to that school above others. Michelle Fan's Essay Reflection â€Å"How do you believe Caltech will best fuel your intellectual curiosity and help you meet your goals?†If I had a few weeks, I might have done enough research to namedrop a few professors, rave about the strength of their computer science programs, and come up with a compelling story about all my professional goals. But I didn’t have those few weeks, so I told them the unembellished, wholehearted truth:I said I have no idea what I want to do in life.All I knew was that I liked making calculator games and explosions and wanted to participate in the bread-throwing, water-dumping congregations otherwise known as Caltech house dinners.As it turns out, being yourself actually works. Shocker, I know. Colleges really do want to like you for you. Michelle Fan doesn’t post her Caltech essay directly, but she does talk about her process and what she discovered between her highly planned essays and the ones she wrote the day they were due. Fan points out that her last-minute essays, the ones that she wrote from her heart rather than from her head, are the ones that got accepted. Though I definitely don’t advocate for waiting until the same day that your essay is due to start writing it, it’s a good message to keep in mind- when you’re faced with an imminent deadline and you just need to get something out, your writing is probably more genuine than if you’ve been editing and revising it for ages. But the big takeaway here should not be to wait until the last second to write your essay (please, don’t do that!). The real lesson is that you should write in a way that is true to yourself, not a way that you think will impress admissions offices. You should be authentic and genuine, letting your personality and interests tell Caltech why you’re a good fit. If your essay looks like this, that's a good thing! 4 Key Tips for Writing a Caltech Essay Like all college essays, there are some general things to keep in mind when working on your Caltech writing supplement. The earlier you get started, the better- take a little time to make sure that your essay is as polished as possible! #1: Plan Brainstorming before you start writing will help you pick a topic that’s both meaningful and impressive. Jotting down a list of ideas for each topic, no matter how silly they might feel at first impression, gives you options. Spend a little time away from your options so that you can pick the one that you feel most strongly about with less bias! #2: Get People to Read Your Essays for You Feedback is an important tool as a writer. Getting someone else to look at your work- preferably someone who will be honest about its shortcomings- will help you find logical holes, weird phrasing, and other errors that may creep into your work. When you feel like your essays are as polished as you can make them is a good time to hand them off to someone else. Remember, you don’t have to make every change they suggest exactly as they suggest it, but if your reader is confused about something, see what you can do to make it clearer! #3: Edit and Revise Take that feedback you got from your reader and turn it into gold. Again, don’t feel like their suggestions are always the right move, but do consider what’s causing their confusion or dislike for parts of your essays. Fix them in your own voice, and re-read your essay, especially out loud, to catch any additional errors. The more time you can spend revising, the better! #4: Be Authentic Always remember that you’re not just trying to impress Caltech with a bunch of statistics- you’re trying to impress them as you. That means always staying true to yourself and striving for authenticity. Give Caltech an essay that showcases what it means to be you, not an essay that gives them what you think that they want to hear. What's Next? Need an even more in-depth guide to how to write a college essay? Those tips will help you write a stellar essay from start to finish! A strong essay is just one part of a successful Caltech application. Also look into Caltech's SAT scores and GPA requirements so you can draft an effective academic plan! Before you send in your Caltech application, it's a smart idea to figure out how much money it's going to cost you to attend. How doCaltech's financial aid offerings measure up to tuition costs?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Article Critique on Responsibilities and Training Needs of

Critique on Responsibilities and Training Needs of paraeducators in Physical Education - Article Example The study also pointed out that 68 out of the 76 paraeducators were keen in receiving training. The areas in which training was desired were activity modifications, attributes of students with disabilities, and knowledge of motor development. An interesting finding that the study has is that less than 50% of the respondents have ever participated in physical education of students. It has been pointed out that the opportunity to participate in physical education through student escort, one-on-ones and cues were not used by this 50%. The participation of paraeducators in student assessments and behavior modification programs were also found to be minimal. Only eight out of the total respondents participated in the above mentioned activities. The major limitation of the study is its sample population size. Though 138 respondents were to participate, only 55 % of them filled in the questionnaires. This makes the sample size very small and thus is not the representative sample of the studied population. Another major lacuna in the research is that the participants were not blinded on the objectives of the research. This would have resulted in biased responses from the participants. As the results of the study implies on the capacity building of the respondents the chances for this are really high. The study limits its scope to the perceived observations on training requirements and responsibilities of paraeducators. These perceptions of the respondents have not been compared with the available literature. This further questions the scientific backing of the research with reference to the topic of the study. The topic suggests a broader research whereas the study has limited its scope to the perceptions of the participants. The study is further limited to the geographical convenience of the researcher. This further limits its scope from providing a holistic view on the larger The study would serve as a good resource for further research in the area. The study

Friday, October 18, 2019

Political Science Russian Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Political Science Russian Politics - Essay Example After the August 1991 putsch and the dissolution of the CPSU, the DPKR in its first congress was renamed the People's Party of "Free Russia," and was headed by Rutskoi and Lipitsky. It flourished from 1991 to 1993, when it was considered a potential ruling party. Moving in March 1992 into constructive opposition to the course of the Boris Yeltsin-Yegor Gaidar administration, the NPSR reached an agreement with the Democratic Party of Russia, on the basis of which the bloc Civic Union was formed. (McFaul and Markov, 1993) In the 1993 conflict between Yeltsin and the delegates, Rutskoi sided with the latter and landed in prison after the attack on the White House. After his amnesty in May 1994, the party changed its name again, this time to the Russian Social-Democratic People's Party (RSDNP). Its main goals were the creation of conditions for free and thorough development of the citizens of Russia; elevation of their welfare; guarantee of citizens' rights and freedoms; and establishment of a civic society, a social-market economy, and a lawful government. Leaders had different ideas for the party's development: Rutskoi called upon the delegates to participate in the creation of the social-patriotic movement Power, whereas Lipitsky supported the idea of transforming the RSDNP into a social-democratic party of the Western European variety. In March 1995, the split became fact in congress, after which both sides essentially ceased existing. Rutskoi's group began working in the social-patriotic movement Power, and Lipitsky's in the Russian Social-Democratic Union. (McFoul, 2001; Reddaway and Glinski, 2001) In the 1995 elections, Lipitsky's supporters participated in the bloc Social-Democrats (0.13% of the vote), and Power pushed forward its federal list, on account of which a new split occurred in the leadership of the movement, and a number of politicians left it. The new list of Power with Rutskoi at the head received 1.8 million votes (2.6%), while in Rutskoi's homeland, Kursk, it received more than 30 percent. In 1996, Power was unable to collect the required number of signatures for its presidential candidate Rutskoi, and it joined with the bloc of popular-patriotic forces headed by Gennady Zyuganov. Soon afterward, Rutskoi was elected first as cochair of the Popular-Patriotic Union of Russia, and then, with its support, governor of Kursk Oblast. He resigned as chair of Power and fell into conflict with the NPSR and Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF). In 1998, Power, under the chairmanship of Konstantin Zatulin, entered the movement Fatherland of Moscow mayor Yuri Lu zhkov, and on the very eve of elections it split yet again and disappeared from the political scene. (McFoul, 2001) Free Russia gradually emerged from obscurity from the Russian Party of Small and Medium Businesses. This was due to the efforts of former presidential contender Irina Khakamada to revive the liberal movement in the country, which many in the West criticize for alleged backsliding on democracy. It has 55,063 registered members and is little known to the population. It has never run in a national parliamentary election, but gained 11% of the votes in the regional election in the Novgorod Region on October 8, 2006. In the 2007 parliamentary elections, Free Russia registered as a contender and will try to appeal to the right-wing electorate in the 2007 parliam

Analysis of a movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of a movie - Essay Example is an art of making motion pictures, encompasses different criteria or qualities by which its aesthetic quality can be evaluated depending on the person viewing it. Thereby, its classification as a beautiful film depends on the subjective nature of the person who viewed it. It is in this regard that this essay is written to present an analysis of Rain Man in terms of addressing the following questions: (1) keeping in mind what you have learned in class thus far about literary elements, what does this movie mean to you? (2) What is this movie really about? (3) Is there a "moral to the story," a theme to be explored, or comment to think about? (4) What is the point of the movie? And (5) did you find this movie meaningful for you personally? Why or why not? Rain Man is a movie an uplifting experience through the spectacular performance of the actors, both Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise. For me, it is one of the best movies I have seen and have continued to remember so far due to the theme and the characters of the movie. The most critical factors that qualify a film or movie as good in my own conviction are as follows: (1) a good plot (or the content of the story), (2) the quality and choice of casts, (3) genre, (4) excellent audio visual quality, (5) cinematography (or the form which is the actual beauty of fine art) and (6) moral or message of the story. Contemporary films do not necessarily comply with the standards of aesthetic quality despite the developments and utilization of technology to apply special effects. In fact, according to Osider (2009), â€Å"lately, the blockbuster has fallen into the habit of replacing beautiful form with thrills. These films contain mainly shallow themes and impressive special effects. The audience might like the film, but again that does not make it a good one.† An aesthetically crafted film should show a good quality that not only entertains but inspires. The content and form combine beautifully to create film art. Osider

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Small scale Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Small scale Project - Essay Example Many researchers have proposed the sole solution to be based on proper management of the students’ times regarding the attendance of their classes and taking their assignments promptly and accurately. It is not easy however to control the students’ behavior in a university context (Cierno, Kilpatrick, Resnick, Saunders, & Best, 1996) given the large number of students and the uncaring nature of most of the university lecturers. The entire process therefore lies in the students themselves to ensure that they uplift their performances by properly managing their time and events while at school. This research paper will examine and address the factors that are important to the University of East London undergraduates to help them to learn effectively on their courses. This research will be conducted by using two primary qualitative data searching methods namely; the use of questionnaires and interviews. An accurate sample size will be computed from the entire university pop ulation to act as a representation for the generalization of findings for accuracy purposes. Data analysis will be conducted both qualitatively and quantitatively to allow for generalization of the generated findings to the entire student population. Research methodology Sampling criteria The entire student population is too big to be studied in totality calling for the use of just a section of the population. However, accurate sample size has to be designed in order to clean the data of biases of time and personal preferences. In line with this, accurate sampling techniques will be employed in this research in order to come up with a more representative result from the findings. Yamane formula will be employed in coming up with the most convenient and representative sample size. The formula provides a confidence level of 95%, (Bell, 1995). The method of proportional allocation will be used to allocate samples to strata. This method ensures that the sizes of samples from different s trata are proportional to the size of the strata. From the Yamane formula, Where, n= sample size N= population size e=level of precision Using the formula above, a total of 40 students will be extracted from the total population to be included in the sample frame for this research. The 40 students will be acquired by stratifying the students according to their grades based on their current years of study. The samples will be selected from each stratum by using simple random sampling method. This will ensure that a proper criterion is followed in selecting the sample string for the entire population. According to Carter & Thomas, (1997), random sampling techniques help in eliminating personal and time biases hence the main idea behind its choice. The entire population which is to be studied in this research, all students from the University of East London is very big and cannot be reached adequately using the primary data collection methods that would be employed in th

Unit 5 speer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 speer review - Essay Example Par 5, line 2 and 3: â€Å"This irony here is that the product was at first quite a disaster†. The sentence is unclear or rather ambiguous. Despite its weak construction, the irony being referred to is nonexistent. Par 5, line 3: â€Å"Sven Mattisson, the man behind the technology stated:..† The extra information â€Å"the man behind the technology† should have been enclosed with commas. Moreover, instead of the colon efore the direct quotation, a simple comma should have been used. So the sentence should look like: â€Å"Sven Mattisson, the man behind the technology, stated, â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The content is quite appealing. The introduction is organized and guides the reader throughout the essay by providing an ostensible road map. While the content is profound, little has been done on the development of the Bluetooth technology. The inclusion of the stepwise development of the technology would have bolstered the quality of the essay and the argument being

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Small scale Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Small scale Project - Essay Example Many researchers have proposed the sole solution to be based on proper management of the students’ times regarding the attendance of their classes and taking their assignments promptly and accurately. It is not easy however to control the students’ behavior in a university context (Cierno, Kilpatrick, Resnick, Saunders, & Best, 1996) given the large number of students and the uncaring nature of most of the university lecturers. The entire process therefore lies in the students themselves to ensure that they uplift their performances by properly managing their time and events while at school. This research paper will examine and address the factors that are important to the University of East London undergraduates to help them to learn effectively on their courses. This research will be conducted by using two primary qualitative data searching methods namely; the use of questionnaires and interviews. An accurate sample size will be computed from the entire university pop ulation to act as a representation for the generalization of findings for accuracy purposes. Data analysis will be conducted both qualitatively and quantitatively to allow for generalization of the generated findings to the entire student population. Research methodology Sampling criteria The entire student population is too big to be studied in totality calling for the use of just a section of the population. However, accurate sample size has to be designed in order to clean the data of biases of time and personal preferences. In line with this, accurate sampling techniques will be employed in this research in order to come up with a more representative result from the findings. Yamane formula will be employed in coming up with the most convenient and representative sample size. The formula provides a confidence level of 95%, (Bell, 1995). The method of proportional allocation will be used to allocate samples to strata. This method ensures that the sizes of samples from different s trata are proportional to the size of the strata. From the Yamane formula, Where, n= sample size N= population size e=level of precision Using the formula above, a total of 40 students will be extracted from the total population to be included in the sample frame for this research. The 40 students will be acquired by stratifying the students according to their grades based on their current years of study. The samples will be selected from each stratum by using simple random sampling method. This will ensure that a proper criterion is followed in selecting the sample string for the entire population. According to Carter & Thomas, (1997), random sampling techniques help in eliminating personal and time biases hence the main idea behind its choice. The entire population which is to be studied in this research, all students from the University of East London is very big and cannot be reached adequately using the primary data collection methods that would be employed in th

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organizational behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organizational behavior - Essay Example Motivation has always been considered a stronghold of the human resources department but lately organizations have realized that line managers are constantly in contact with the employees and for most of the employees, their immediate superiors represent the management of the company (Brewster & Larsen 1992). If these managers have the responsibility and authority to control and reward the employees directly under them, it could enhance productivity and effectively work out better for the organization. The personnel specialists have practically negligible interactions with the employers and it is felt that line managers are appropriate to handle the issues relating to staff under them. They are suitable to motivate and being out the best from the staff. Motivation to work can come from external factors or from within. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the physiological needs have to be satisfied for an individual to be motivated to work for the next need. In this hierarchy the self-actualization arises when all other needs have been satisfied. According to Herzberg two factors act upon the motivation of employees – the hygiene factors and the motivators. Hygienes are the intrinsic entities while motivators are intrinsic (Tietjen & Myers, 1998). According to Herzberg motivators cause positive job attitudes because they satisfy the workers need for self-actualization, which according to Maslow is the need for self-actualization, which is an individual’s ultimate goal. These motivators include recognition, achievement, growth prospects, responsibility and the work itself. Most employees are not clear about the roles and responsibilities, no role clarity, which leads to no satisfaction of job as the motivators according to Herzberg (cited by Tietjen & Myers, 1998) are not present. These factors can have a lasting impression on worker’s attitude,

Throughout Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Example for Free

Throughout Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Throughout Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston uses a number of different items as symbols to convey the significance of certain events that take place in Janie’s, the main characters, lifespan. In this novel, Janie’s life moves in stages. With each stage comes a different item of clothing that represents another relationship and reflects Janie’s inner self during that period in time. Using an apron, a head rag, a blue satin dress, and overalls, Hurston communicates how Janie grows and evolved as a person throughout her relationships with Logan Killicks, Jody Starks, and most importantly, Tea Cake. In the beginning of the novel, Janie’s marries a man by the name of Logan Killicks, a very successful farmer. During their relationship, Janie wears an apron. The apron shows that Janie is a housewife, merely taking orders and doing what she is told to do. During the course of their marriage, Janie came to realize that she â€Å"knew now that marriage did not make love† (25). Janie does not love Logan. She married him for Nanny, her grandmother, and never was able to develop the love for him, as she desired. At this point, Janie begins seeing Jody Starks, and eventually leaves Logan. Upon leaving, she â€Å"feels the apron tied around her waist. She untied it and flung it on a low bush beside one road and walked on† (32) as if release of being a housewife and allowing herself to move on; no strings attached. In Jane’s second marriage with Jody, Janie is forced to wear a head rag by Jody. This hides Janie’s hair. Janie’s hair is very different from other women in her community. Her hair is straight, like white women, as opposed to curly. Her hair is a symbol of her uniqueness and independence. By forcing Janie to cover her hair and wear the head rag, Jody extinguishes Janie’s independence. Jody controls Janie, insults her, and destroys her self-esteem. She conforms to his wants and demands, not even fighting back when he hits her. The head rag represents Jody’s dominance over Janie in their relationship. Ultimately, this proves that their relationship in not based on true love, and this ends in a failed relationship. After Jody dies, Janie’s meets Tea Cake, who buys her a blue satin dress. This dress is worn at their wedding and is of high significance despite the small amount of time it is worn by Janie. It is a symbol of a new start with Tea Cake. In addition, it has only been nine months since Jody’s death. At one point. Janie says to Pheoby: Ah ain’t grievin’ so why do Ah hafta mourn? Tea Cake love me in blue, so Ah wears it. Jody ain’t never in his life picked out no color for me. De world picked out black and white for mournin’, Joe didn’t. So Ah wasn’t wearin’ it for him. Ah was wearin’ it for de rest of y’all (113). This shows that Janie is sad about his death since she is not mourning, as the community believes she should do. Janie did not truly love Jody, however, she does love Tea Cake greatly and is â€Å"always in blue because Tea Cake told her to wear it†(110). Later in their marriage, Janie switched her attire to overalls. These overalls are nothing fancy and are worn for her work in the fields with Tea Cake. For this reason, they are proven to be a symbol of equality and true love. Neither Tea Cake nor Janie are of higher stature than one another as the men were in Janie’s past relationships. â€Å"What if Eatonville could see her in now in her blue denim overalls and heavy shoes?† (134) is a thought that Janie simply laughs at. Janie’s love is proven in her ability to become Tea Cake’s equal despite what the people of the town say about how he is poor. Janie continues to wear the overalls after Tea Cakes death, when she returns to Eatonville. She doesn’t dress up to mourn. Janie â€Å"went on in her overalls. She was too busy feeling grief to dress like grief† (189). This further proves Janie’s feelings for Tea Cake more than anything. With Jody, Janie mourned his death and didn’t care for him, showing that mourning doesn’t mean she was sad. In this situation, Janie does not follow what is considered the right thing to do. She knows how sad she feels about Tea Cake and that is the only thing that matters to her at this point in time. The use of clothing as symbols is a dominant element of Hurston’s writing in Their Eyes Were Watching God. It successfully conveys Janie’s emotions and thoughts throughout her life. The symbolism of clothing shows how she evolved from following what is considered â€Å"right† and becoming what she wants; someone who experienced true love. Janie wore an apron for Nanny’s dream, a head rag to satisfy Jody’s need for dominance, and a blue satin dress and overalls for true love and equality with Tea Cake. Works Cited Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God: A Novel. New York: Perennial Library, 1990. Print.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Background And History Of Bullying Psychology Essay

The Background And History Of Bullying Psychology Essay Bullying can lead suicide and death, According to Centers for Disease Control suicide is caused death number three in adolescent. Study by Yale University (2008) adolescent that became victim of bullying 2 to 9 times more likely concider to suicide. Suicide case related bullying must be prevent, this situation contrary with the reality that even bullying occurs in school, but sometimes people does not aware or just think that as naughtiness of the children. From CDC (2011) prevelance of student who involved in or affected by bullying are 43.9% students middle school and 30.5% students high school, study by Owusu et al. (2011) found that 40.1% of the total sample student being bullied and likely significant have negative psycological health than students who do not become bullied. Study by Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld-Kirkman (2009) show that nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience of bullying when they at school and this study also found that those who had been bullied significantly poorer mental and psychological health. Acording data from Global School Health Survey (GSHS) of WHO, 2007 prevalence of bullying in Indonesia is 49 %, Thailand 27,8% in 2008 and Filiphina 35.7% student in 2004. Moreover with a population of adolescents are 1,2 billion in worldwide which is 18-25% adolescent in Asia (WHO,2010) and there are 3,6 million adolescent or 18 % of the total population in Indonesia (National office of Statistic,2010) if we did not immediatly addres this problem, the future of the adolescent will be dangerous. The studies show evidenced that bullying is very dangerous for the future of students as it could cause depression or even suicide. In 2010, Kvarme, Helseth, Sateren and Natvig found that school children who have been bullied felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullied, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression. Study by Owusu, Hart,Oliver and Kang, (2011) also found that victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried that affect sleep and loneliness. Moreover study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors (Kim, Koh,Laventhal, 2005). In 2010, Patchin and Hinduja found that Students who experienced cyberbullying both as a victim and an offender, had significantly lower self esteem than who had little or no experience with cyberbullying and also study by Schneider, ODonnell , Stueve and Coulter (2012) found that victim of bullying report low school performance and school attachment, psychological distress was highest among victim of bullying. Study about the intervention also have been conduct to overcome bullying. Blosnich and Bossarte (2011) found that having adults and staff that supervising hallways was associated with 26% decrease of peer victimization. The impat of the Olweus prevention ptogram study by Bowllan (2011) found that teacher statistically significant improvements in their capacity to identify bullying, talk to students who bully and talk with them. Study by Boulton, Bishop, Baxandall, et al. (2007) found that a majority of participant want that peer counselling as problem solving related bullying. Also study by Li, Washburn, Dubois, (2011) found that student who involved with Positive Action Program have 37% fewer violence behaviors and 41% fewer bullying behavior. The intervention program did not effective if we did not understand the bullying as problem. Topic in this study about bullying in adolescent, this topic will be help us to undestand bullying as problem. To support this topic and to identify the gap of knowledge in the community, about 25 articles that related with this topic has been colected. The articles that used were publish in 2004-2012 at the data base at Ebsco Host and Science Direct. This paper will help student to gain more knowlegde, support the idea about the bullyingin adolescent and will help to conducting the tesis in the future. In order to make a better understanding about the content of the paper. This paper will summarize the article from the definition of the phenomena, the objective, design, sample and the result of the study. And finnaly will expalin about gap of knowledge and how to fulfill the gap as the tesis plan. Summarizing Result Definition of phenomena 1. Bullying Definition of Bullying is repeated intentional infliction of injury or discomfort (physical or nonphysical) on another person over time in an imbalanced relationship (Olweus,1994). In addition to physical and nonphysical forms, bullying can also be categorized as direct or indirect, Direct bullying includes threatening, stealing, hitting, and verbal abuse, whereas indirect bullying involves social isolation, spreading rumors, and ignoring ( Van der Wal MF, de Wit CAM, Hirasing RA, 2003). Bullying as a type of interpersonal violence in which there is a power imbalance between victim and bully, typically characterized by repeated aggressive verbal and/or physical behavior with intent to harm or disturb the victim (Nansel et al., 2001; Olweus, 1993, 1994). According of Royal College of Psychiatricts (2006) Bullying is a form of aggresion that can be hurtful manner such as hit or punch other,kick or trip other up, take or spoil other things, call other names, tease other, give other nasty looks, threaten other, make nasty rumours or story about other, spread nasty rumours or stories about other, not let them join in play or games and not talk to them. The operational definition of Bullying is agression behavior that hurtful manner in direct (threatening, hitting, puch other) and indirect (verbal abuse, teasing, give other nasty looks, and make nasty rumours abot ather) with effect to physical dan phycological health which done by other people with more power in some periode of time. 2. Adolescent The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) defines adolescents as being between the ages of 10 and 19 this definition same with World Helath Organization (WHO) about adolescent. according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Adolescents divided into three stages early adolescent (11-13 year of age), middle adolescent (14-18 year of age) and late Adolescent (19-24 year of age). According to United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) in 2005, The stages of adolescence can be separated into three: early (10-13 years of age), middle (14-16), and late (17-19). In early adolescence, physical changes include physical and sexual maturation. These changes continue through middle adolescence into the late stage, adolescents are thought to be less concerned with their body image than they are during early adolescence. Cognitively, adolescents in the early stage develop concrete thinking abilities, while in middle and late adolescence, the young person moves to thinking abstractly and can develop reasoning skills. Emotionally, adolescents in the early stage are beginning to explore decision-making opportunities, while in the middle stage, they begin to develop a sense of identity, established more fully in late adolescence. Socially, during this stage, peers become a bigger influence and sexual interest usually begins. During the middle stage of adolescence, peers continue to hold influence, and sexual interest develops further. Finally, in the late stage, transitions to work and further schooling take place. Overall, The operational definition of the adolescent is young people that age around 10-19 years old. Objective of the study The most objectieve of the previous studies was the assosiation bullying with psychological distress(Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.,2012; Undheim and Sund, 2010; Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005), Risk factor of bullying (CDC,2011; Fitzpatrick, Dulin and Piko, 2007), Psycological adjustment (Wei and Williams,2009; Owusu,Hart, Oliver,et all.,2011), School safety (Blosnich and Bossarte,2011), Psychosocial environment (Meyer-Adam and Conner,2008), Depression (Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd and Marttunen,2010; Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009), Self esteem ( Patchin and Hinduja, 2010), Preception about bullying (Frisen,Jonsson and Persson, 2007; Juvonen and Gross, 2008), Program intervention (Bowllan and Nancy, 2011), Health quality of life (Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld-Kirkman, 2009), Suicide (Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005) and also to examine the prevalence of bullying such as study by Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.(2012) . The other objective was to explore the bullying experience (Kvarme,Helseth , and Natvig, 2010; Willis and Griffith , 2010), Peer councelling (Boulton, Trueman and Bishop, 2007) and perspective of bullying (Brown, Birch and Kancherla, 2005). Design Most of the article using quantitative design for their study which is Cross sectional studies (Wei and William, 2009;,Owusu, Hart, Oliver,et all.,2011; Undheim and Sund, 2010; Blosnich and Bossarte, 2011;Hensershot, Dake, Price and Lartey, 2006; Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005; Fitzpatric, Dulin and Piko,2007; Juvenen and Gross, 2008; Patchin and Hinduja,2010), and Retrospective studies (Meyer-Adams and Conner,2008; Allison, Roeger, and Reinfeld Kirkman,2009; Brown, Brich and Kancherla,2005; Bond, Wolf, Tollit, Butler and Patton,2007; Chapell,Hasselman, Kitchin et all.,2008;Gukin and Lewis,2006). The rest of the article use descriptive study (Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.,2012), , Quasi experimental (Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd and Marttunen,2010 Bowllan and Nancy, 2011), Randomised Control Trial (Li, Washburn, Dubois et all.,2011) and the qualitative study that use explorative design ( Kvarme, Helseth, Sateren and Natvig, 2010 Willis and Griffith, 2010) and phenomenological (Boulton, Truemen, Bishop et all.,2007 Frisen, Jonsson and Perddon, 2007). Sample /participant Most of sample that use in that studies were students and only one study that use nurse as sample (Schneider, ODonnel, Stueve, et all.,2012). Range of the sample size was from 11 (Willis Griffith, 2010) to 20,406 (Schneider, ODonnel, Stueve, et all.,2012). The type of sampling that most use in 25 articles was random sampling (Hendershot, Dake et all.,2006; Patchin and Hinduja,2010; Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld,2009; Guckin and Lewis,2006) and the other use purpose sampling, clustered sampling and total sampling with survey and the rest of the article did not explain about the method that use to take sample. Most of the studie were conduct in America and Europe from 25 articles only 2 studies that conduct in Asia which is in Taiwan by Wei and Williams (2009) and in Korean by Kim, Koh and Levental (2005) . The age of the sample size that use in was student in middle school and high school or both of them example study by Schneider, Shari Kessel, ODonnell, Lydia, Stueve, Ann, Coulter, Robert W. S., (2012) sample was use student in grade nine-twelfth. Instrument Most of the instruments that used in the previous studies are different. Only study by Owunsu, Hart, Oliver et all.(2011) and study by Flemming Jocebsen (2009) are same used Global School Based Health Survey (GSHS). This instrument develop by WHO and conducted among students aged 13-15. This instrument used to identify health behavior and protective factor among student aged 13-15. This instrument did not specific to identy bullying but there are some content about bullying in GSHS. The instrument that specific to identify bullying was Olweus Questionnaire in this instrument identify of bullying about exposure to various physical,verbal, indirect, racial, and sexual forms of bullying/ harassment, how students bully others, where bullying occurs, pro-bully and pro-victim attitudes, and the extent to which the social environment that used in study by Bowllan and Nancy (2011). The other instrument to identify bullying was Gatehouse Bullying Scale (GBS) whis is in good to moderate test- retest reability (rho 0.65) that used in study by Bond, Wolfe, Tollit et all.(2007). Study by Undheim and Sunud (2010) was to asses prevalence of beeing bullied and behaving aggresively toward other and the psychosocial characteristics of exposed student, so they used the Mood and Feeling Questionnaire to identify psychosocial characteristic of students. The other instrument that used were Beck Depression, Rosenberg self esteem and ect. Main result Study by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011), shown that student who involved in or affected by bullying are 43.9% students middle school and 30.5% students high school, and ussualy Bully victims were more likely to report violent family encounters than bullies and bullies were more likely to report such encounters than victims. the prevelance of cyberbullying and school bullying was 15.8% of students reported cyberbullying and 25.9% reported school bullying in the past 12 months with a majority of cyberbullying were also school bulying and then Victimization was higher among nonheterosexually youth. The Victims report low school performance and school attachment. Psychological distress was highest among victims of both cyberbullying and school bulying. (Schneider, Shari Kessel, ODonnell, Lydia, Stueve, Ann, Coulter, Robert W. S.,2012). The school nurses identified the most common barrier to dealing with bullying, which included bullying taking place where the nurse is not supervising (49%), someone else in the school being more qualified to address bullying (41%), not having enough time (26%), and not beeing prepared to handle the problem (25%). Only 14 % stated that there were no barriers to dealing with student bullying. (Hendershot C; Dake JA; Price JH; Lartey GK, 2006). In African American Adolescents Bullying behavior was higher than reported for other general student. And age, family violence, negative peer relationships and behavioral risks all contributed to increased odds of students reporting bullying behavior. (Fitzpatrick KM; Dulin AJ; Piko BF.,2007). The ages which most students had been bullied at school were between 7 and 9 years. Bullies said bullying took place when they were 10 to 12 years old. The most common reason as to why individuals are bullied was that they have a different appearance. (Frisà ©n A; Jonsson A; Persson C., 2007). When bullied, almost half said they fight back, about a fourth tell an adult, and 20% do nothing; only 8% try to talk to the bully. Nearly two thirds claimed they tell or try to stop bullying when they see it, but 16% do nothing, and 20% join in. Frequent bullies were more likely to think it is cool, to fight back when bullied, and to join in when others are bullied. Two classes of victims were apparent. Victims who also bully often said that bullying occurs because others are not friendly to bullies or because bullies want to get their way, many also admitted that they do not know how it can be stopped. Victims who do not bully were most likely to do nothing when bullied but to try to stop th e bullying of others. (Brown SL, Birch DA, Kancherla V., 2005). Data from Northern Ireland the incidence of victimization within the peer group of respondents was very high in comparison not only to previous. The report 59.2% of the respondents said that schools were proactive in bullying and did have an official policy in place and one quarter of respondents and victims who would approach the teacher and also 50.4% of all respondents believed that their school provided real help for victims. (Guckin CM, Lewis CA.,2006). Study by Kvarme LG; Helseth S; Sà ¦teren B; Natvig GK. (2010). Nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience bullying when they were at school. Those reporting that they had been bullied experienced significantly poorer mental and psycological health compared to those who had been bullied (Allison S; Roeger L; Reinfeld-Kirkman N., 2009). The students felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullid, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression and They wanted the bullying to be recognized, assistance from the staff to stop the bullying, and to be included by their peers and from other study Victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health compared with those who reported not beeing bullied.such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried rried that it affects sleep and loneliness. (Owusu, Andrew, Hart, Peter, Oliver, Brittney, Kang, Minsoo. 2011). Moreover, study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors and suicidal ideation in the previous 6 months. In female students, all 3 school bullying groups had increased suicidal ideation for the previous 2 weeks but not in male students. (Kim YS; Koh Y; Leventhal B, 2005). Students who experienced cyberbullying both as a victim and an offender, had significantly lower self esteem than who had little or no experience with cyberbullying (Patchin JW; Hinduja S., 2010). Students who reported being bullied in the past month were more likely than nonbullied students to report symptoms of depression. A higher number of days of being bullied in the past moth was associated with a statitcally significant increase in reported rate of sadness and hopelessness. (Fleming LC, Jacobsen KH. 2009). Conceptual framework Most of the study did not use conceptual framework, some of the study use the conceptual framework example study by Kvarme, Helseth, Seteran and Natvig, (2010), used Quality of Live (QOL) and Solutions Focus approach and famework and also study by Wei and Williams, 2009 use The information Processing Model as a framework.. Limitation The article that review have some limitation in some study data sorce use self-reported single item such as study by Schneider, ODonnel,Stueve et all.(2012), CDC(2011), Undheim Sund (2010), Hendershot, Dake, Price et all (2006), Boulton,Trueman, Bishop et all( 2007), Juvenen and Gross(2008), self-report of negative behaviours was used as a basis for outcome measures in study by Brown, Birch and Kancherla(2005) and self report as subject to recall and social desirability bias, but some study use multiple source, cause discrepancy between measure (Wei and Williams, 2009). In the content of study did not explore contextual influences on the behaviors and the complex role that bystanders student and parents and adults in the community study by Schneider, ODonnel,Stueve et all.(2012) , The sample size that use only small sample (Kvarne, Helseth, Deteren and Natvig,2010), The sample was limited to school nurses who were member of NASN (Hendershot, Dake, Price et all,2006), Knowledge about theoretical framework to analysis and interpretation data of school nurses and researchers are limited. Use cross sectional study and causality cannot be implied (Kvarne, Helseth, Deteren and Natvig,2010), The result cannot be generalized to similar age out of school adolescents (Owusu, Hart, Oliver et all.,2011; Undheim Sund, 2010; Willish Griffith, 2010;Fitzpatrick, Dulin and Piko, 2007; Frizen, Jonsson and Persson,2007, Meyer-Adam Conner, 2008, Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd, and Marttunen, 2010; Patchin Hinduja, 2010; Bowllan Nancy, 2011; Li, Washburn , Dubois et all., 2011) with only one moderatly size city and participant restricted age range, None of the questions used in the analysis assessed the source of bullying, since there no item in the survey(Owusu, Hart, Oliver et all.,2011),The questionnaire must be more specific (Blosnich and Bossarte, 2011; Kim, Koh and Leventhal, 2005; Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009) and the length of the survey are limited (Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009). Gap of the Knowledge The article that have been review can be categorize become three part. Article that shown the prevalence of bullying or phenomena of bullying. The ages which most students had been bullied at school were between 7 and 9 years. Bullies said bullying took place when they were 10 to 12 years old. The most common reason as to why individuals are bullied was that they have a different appearance. (Frisà ©n A; Jonsson A; Persson C., 2007). In African American Adolescents Bullying behavior was higher than reported for other general student. And age, family violence, negative peer relationships and behavioral risks all contributed to increased odds of students reporting bullying behavior. (Fitzpatrick KM; Dulin AJ; Piko BF.,2007). Article that shown the effect of bullying. Study by Kvarme LG; Helseth S; Sà ¦teren B; Natvig GK. (2010). Nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience bullying when they were at school. Those reporting that they had been bullied experienced significantly poorer mental and psycological health compared to those who had been bullied (Allison S; Roeger L; Reinfeld-Kirkman N., 2009). The students felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullid, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression and from other study Victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health compared with those who reported not beeing bullied.such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried rried that it affects sleep and loneliness. (Owusu, Andrew, Hart, Peter, Oliver, Brittney, Kang, Minsoo. 2011). Moreover study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors and suicidal ideation in the previous 6 months . (Kim YS; Koh Y; Leventhal B, 2005). Article that shown about the intervention that can be solution to bullying. The school nurses identified the most common barrier to dealing with bullying, which included bullying taking place where the nurse is not supervising (49%), someone else in the school being more qualified to address bullying (41%), not having enough time (26%), and not beeing prepared to handle the problem (25%). Only 14 % stated that there were no barriers to dealing with student bullying. (Hendershot C; Dake JA; Price JH; Lartey GK, 2006). The review from the article found that most of the studies conduct in the America and Europe and only two studies that conduct in Asia. Hence, the study about bullying must be improved in Asia especially in Indonesia which is have large population and did not have specific program about bullying. Bullying that have been study most of them shown the high of prevelance of the bullying, eventhough the prevelance of bullying high but we can see this as real situation condition because the sample that used was only one group of the students so the result of the study can not be generalize. Moreover the adolescent that have been categorie as the stage developmental, so to realy know about phenomena of bullying and prevalence of bullying in adolescent study about bullying in three stage of developmental in adolescent must be conduct in the future. Understand the effect of bullying and the urgention of this problem, prevention program and intervetion program to decrese prevelence of bullying must be done. But the problem is the program will be fail if we give the program in the wrong student. So identify the student that can be victim of the bullying will be help to prevent the bullying. What the determinats of personal factors that related to victim of bullying and the association bullying with self esteem which is part of self concept . Who the victim ? Effect of bullying Bullying Intervention of bullying How to fullfill the gap The gap of knowledge that we found can become reseach question. The reseach question that we found were who the victim of bullying?, how the bullying in indonesia and how the relationship between bullying and self esteem? Reseach question must be answered with study in the future. To answer the reseach question the purpose of the study must be setting. From reseach question in above, the objective of the study are : The prevalency of bullying in indonesia To examine the determinants of personal factors that related to bully victim The association bullying with self esteem. Instrument The instrument that used to answer the reseach questian are : The Olweus bully/ victim questionnaire The Rosenberg scale of self esteem The reseach design of this study are cross sectional with regression. Sample The sample that used are student from the 10-19 years old. With type of sample are stratified sampling. The conceptual framework In this study will use conceptual frame work of the developmental of adolescent and the concept of self esteem